I've built multiple profitable SaaS apps in my career, from scratch, by myself...

...but it's sure damn important to know wether fucking Cindy or Bob or neither can fit into a parking lot after muddling through stupid obtrusive rules that don't mean anything

"its to understand how you think"

yep, clearly don't know how to do that, that's why i'm taking this labrat, i mean, cognitive test


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    yes I figured it must be you from the first sentence...

    not that this has any value, but I'm still kind of proud ;)
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    now that I've read the whole thing, yep their stupid cognitive tests...

    Like they really can get a glimpse of how we think and function with that...
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    tf is a cognitive test..??

    I feel like after some years when there are literally no other metrics left for these companies they will start demanding big penises or big boobs from people.
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    I'm not doing such test anymore. Stupid puzzles. It's psychological warfare. Like IQ test - it's most of the time not the smart people who get them
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    @SidTheITGuy it's a test to check if you're able to process data / learn stuff. It doesn't matter you're 1337 h4x0r. Thou should compare pictures quickly. I actually scored big time on such test. Will just show that if they're ever asking. I have skills for inductive and decuctive thinking. It's like thinking in the box and outside the box. But on one subject of the test I scored 0 points but they said it's common to fail one completely
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    @retoor +1 for "Thou shall compare pictures quickly"

    exactly - has nothing to do with the job. companies are just shooting themselves in the foot at this point
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    Your success in building profitable SaaS applications from scratch is impressive. Developing successful software applications is no small feat, and your ability to do it yourself speaks volumes about your skills and knowledge in the field. For companies looking to embark on such endeavors, partnering with https://mlp-co.dev/ can play an important role in making their ideas a reality. These services offer a wide range of expertise, from software architecture and development to testing, deployment, and ongoing support.
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