Do you guys use git?GUI or terminal?why?

  • 16
    CLI > GUI
  • 0
    I use the visual studio integration and have for 4 years.
  • 3
    Cli, faster!
  • 6
    GUI for staging,
    CLI for everything else.
  • 5
    I like to review the changes side by side, so a GUI is my choice.
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    Cli, because it’s that way it was meant to be.
  • 8
    Merging with a GUI is nice, staging also. But most of the time I use CLI.
  • 1
    Try zsh 💪
  • 7
    Use them together or whatever works for you. Don't follow the X is better than Y dogma. :)
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    Yeah I'm in the right track @Linux
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    CLI because there is no GUI on a server and I don't want to learn two different interfaces.
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    windows ? GIT BASH

    i also use (source tree/GitHub desktop) but only to clone my repositories easily.

    command line > gui
  • 0
    Gui for Diff (Intellij-Plugin).
    Cli + shell-scripts for anything else.
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    CLI just because that's what I learned first
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    I am the only one working on my project but it just feels so nice to git push at the end of a session 😄😄
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    @stimulate I feel the way you feel it 😂
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    Yes. CLI. Because I'm always in a terminal so it's quicker.
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    Mainly SourceTree. Much easier to have an overview of the changed files, when you only want to commit some.
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    Through the terminal. Because I prefer terminals any time :)
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    Gui because pressing two buttons is more easy than typing the same commands all over again and more easy to see what has been changed.
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    I prefer the Visual Studio way of picking what to merge and using diff, but for everything else I use CLI.
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    Kinda prefer GUI (SmartGit my favorite on), but only because I need to manage a lot of repositories (easy switching, rebasing, review changes, branching, git-flow, etc.). But also I'm not running from CLI at all.
    Both are equally good.
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    CLI because of my alias shortcuts everywhere
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    git git git git git git git

    yes i use git

    cli and gui
  • 0
    @DavidINC Stop swearing that much. 🤣
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    Cli .. that mother fucker is the max feature u get .
  • 2
    Both. Generelly GUI(why replace a push of a button with typing a command?). Visual Studios GUI at work, Gitkraken at home. Though sometimes the GUI is the slower way for some task, or something isn’t implemented and then I use CLI.
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    CLI because it's faster for my workflow. GUIs just get in the way.
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    There's a GUI for git?
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    @chrisrhymes tons of them. The cli version even comes with a few visual tools that offer a gui.
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    Most of the time GUI (IntelliJ IDEA), sometimes CLI (when I am not working with code so I don't miss highlighting, jump to source and so on).
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    If it comes to version control, I don't want any magic from a GUI around... 🤣
  • 2
    I prefer CLI, cuz if I'm going to commit each file I modified it will take ages on Android studio/Xcode/Visual Studio

    But then came Visual Studio Code, I really like it's git tab and is simple
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    CLI, but my job requires me to use a GUI tool because they think there's less of a chance to mess it up xd
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    @Marethyun I'll need GUI soon, thanks
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    @chrisrhymes some that I know Gitkraken and sourcetree
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    I use CLI to clone, push, pull whatevs.
    I use GUI to read through histories, see pretty charts and stuff (gitKraken)
  • 0
    cli > gui
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