  • 3
    Needs a touch of CSS ;p

    (Edit: yeah I know CSS isn't really a programming language, but for some reason that was the first thing that popped in my head)
  • 4
    These days it's more:

    Programmer: "A bro who learned to write coffeescript during a 3 day bootcamp — by accident as he thought all bootcamps were about crossfit — and actually only drinks buttermilk and chai tea flavored whey shakes. He likes that he's finally among other bros who are inseparable from their MacBooks. He really hates learning new things though, so he avoids using this "git" thing, and hates it when other devs say dirty words like "compiling" or "linux"."
  • 1
    @NyxMC it was a gift. So I will ask.
  • 0
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