What the hell happened to devRant?

So we have this person who is digging up old posts, harassing people (@LotsOfCaffeine here, me as well, probably more) and some fucking how is getting 14 updoots while obviously being, or at least portraying themselves as a misogynistic hater of everyone and everything. What the actual hell is up with devRant? How are there FOURTEEN OTHER PELPLE who AGREE WITH THIS PERSON. How many active users are we here? I'm sure 14 users is a pretty significant percentage of the active user base.

People, I feel bad for this person. I've been a bit of a dick to them and so have many more, but what the hell happened to devRant, the place where you went to rant about stupid colleagues and bosses, share funny coding stories and other bulshittery? We're turning into fucking 4chan with politics, sexism and racism being the main story line here. I dont fucking get it. I'm on the brink of just leaving. I'm so fucking tired of this shit...

  • 3
    eh you get people like this everywhere... no matter which platform
  • 18
    He's so obviously botting it's not even funny

    Would be a real shame if something happened to his updoots...
  • 0
    @Nanos the avatars are low res not the image itself, and OP is a supporter so he gets pure black theme
  • 14
    It is 1 person abusing the platform. They are using alts or bots to upvote.
  • 17
    He's created *multiple* accounts that all upvote each other to try and get help on his open source project, for something *incredibly* simple, that he can't be bothered (and probably doesn't have the ability) to do himself.

    Oh, and he uses "we" to imply there's a team of people on this project, when in reality it's just him.

    There's absolutely *no way* 14 active users upvoted this.

    He's also a paedophile, hates women, gay and trans people, and keeps bringing this up whenever anyone disagrees with him (rightly) on his terrible interpretation of the C spec.

    Guy has more issues than b2plane takes dumps in a century.

    Usually I'm for things just playing out, and he was kind of entertaining in his stupidity to start with - but he absolutely needs to be banned. Definitely from this platform, and from ever interacting with a woman or child again.
  • 6
    I know I shitpost a lot, but I am in total agreement here. We should try to downvote + report them as much as possible. Multiple spam accounts and just overall unenjoyable behavior doesn’t have to be ignored by us. I’m going to start my downvote phase…
  • 4
  • 3
    @chonky-quiche don't lose your downvote privileges. I think it is automated if you downvote too often.
  • 4
    @Demolishun yeah i think it is. But only on comments it seems. havent noticed that on rants yet. And yes, before you ask, I don't have downvoting privilege anymore.

    But that's besides the point, that botting guy is an annoying problem.

    Maybe it's another Temple OS Situation, where the project is kinda cool, but the maintainer was a maniac. we don't know 🤷
  • 0
    @Nanos it's not as much as you think.

    And yeah, it's as if your downvote is ignored by the backend. It shows up, and also subtracts one, but when you refresh the page, it's still the same value as before (the other way works analog, like un-downvoting)
  • 0
    @Nanos I "think" it is only downvote.
  • 4
    @thebiochemic after reading the sourceforge discussions linked to in his profile, I got the impression that the project is a fork/mod of another one so he can do stuff with it that wasn't allowed in the original one, and he will be kicked off if he writes to the original's forums (surprising?).

    I'm not saying he hasn't done good work with the project since I know nothing about it, that's just the organizational part of it.

    I don't recommend anyone reading those discussions unless they like to scavenge the sewer.
  • 1
    I found out he's actually a very well known internet personality that I have read about a long time ago. Now he happened to find his way to our corner of the internet.
  • 2
    @thebiochemic it do be givin terry davis vibes
  • 2
    @Demolishun There is a limit to upvotes as well. I repeatedly ran into it back then when i unconditionally upvoted the whole feed per javascript bookmarklet. Nothing bad happens though. It's just a rate limiter with a cooldown period.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo interesting...
  • 1
    @Demolishun Actually, i expected that and was surprised because that limit was at least some hundreds of upvotes in less than an hour. The anti cheat measures of this site are basically non-existing. Someone using multiple accounts (i didn't) can probably suppress or boost anyone's content as they wish.
  • 1
    @Nanos they removed downvoting to support a political party. Because that is how google swings.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat I am so sorry to hear you didn't make the cut. Maybe the next schizo project you will have a better chance. You got this bro!
  • 0
    @scrtuxsn9 bot account. fuck off.
  • 0
    Wait why this sound like an English version of @topramen ?
  • 0
    @Nanos Was it that small site owned by Google where you can upload videos?
  • 1
    @Nanos Yeah, most people don't get that actual freedom requires actual bots.
  • 1
    Sorry for the racism 😁
  • 0
    Too much of hatred and all did by one guy .
  • 0
    @chonky-quiche we did,
  • 0
  • 0
    Have anyone also realised the @root is missing ?
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme was here 2d ago
  • 7
    @johnmelodyme Im not a moderator or admin. Just a dev who’s too burned out to be angry. :(

    I miss you all though <3
  • 0
    @Nanos Nope - they could be a tool used to achieve that goal though.

    Actual freedom includes the absence of bad consequences when one doesn't do stuff. As humans have physical needs, the consequence-less of not working requires slavery as someone has to do the work. Enslaving other humans or animals is sortof generally accepted as being bad by now. But a technical solution for having slaves without slavery is possible: Machines that can do all the jobs that have to be done, but no one actually wants to do.
  • 0
    @Nanos Sure, but the no freeloaders mindset is very real too.

    Eliminating the need for human labor solves that. Work actually would be a hobby for most - not just for a rather small elite which actually enjoys doing their job. even here on dev rant you can see loads of people who sortof hate their job and especially that they are sortof forced to do it or else.
  • 2
    @Root finally , you are back ! 😇 by the way devRant has become weird
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme They're in this thread, I think they'd have noted that 😅
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