Fell for it at first glance

  • 10
    the typo in the title..
  • 5
    Chrome and October not being capitalized are both suggestions it's bs as well.
  • 5
    "From: APPLE ID"
  • 13
    We "information" your Apple ID xD
  • 3
    @jhh2450 also the grammar mistakes
  • 3
    Its like they're not even trying.. Just use some proper english and they would be way more successful
  • 5
    @simulate Actually they use typos as away to make sure that they are more successful, think of it as a spam filter, people who are smart and won't fall for it a couple emails in are the people who notice typos, the people who will fall for it are the people who don't pay attention to typos.

    The typos have a purpose, and that purpose is to keep the smart people from wasting their time.
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