Is it just me or does it also bother anyone else when manufacturers pull shit like this (using Apple as example but I've also seen it from Google/Samsung).

  • 6
    Not really.
    It’s so stupid people don’t confuse “64GB” as 64GB of available space vs complete storage size.

    I’m waiting for the day people start complaining standard HDD sizes are mis represented, due to partition sizes and OS usage.

    Or are you talking about the 64 vs 256 with nothing in the middle?
  • 6
    @C0D4 Just to clarify, I'm complaining about the fact that they don't offer 128 GB as an option, and instead force users to choose between a low storage capacity (by todays smartphone standards) or a really high storage capacity.
  • 5
    As long as it's got an SD card slot, i genuinely don't need any more than 32, tbh.

    But I think for Apple its likely to encourage the use of iCloud.
  • 6
    @Devman I have 64Gb and it’s more then enough, everything is cloud based anyway so with my several thousand photos being in iCloud the local copy is around 2GB.

    Apps unless you seriously need 200 odd apps installed? They won’t fill it.

    And you don’t exactly need an entire tv series / several movies stored on the phone either 😎
  • 2
    The ^2 is for the fine print.
  • 4
    To some people I’d say it is if you need to stash your porn collection on your phone 😑

    I have 100 apps, a couple thousand photos and the last couple of episodes of rick and morty.🤔
    I should remove that at some point,
    oh and IOS 11 is 9GB.

    I stream music, so I don’t need to use several GB there.
  • 0
    Well... 😅
  • 2
    My point exactly.

    Remove the music and your back down to my usage 😎
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