
this makes me want to die

  • 52
    This video hurt my soul. I'm proud of the kid for taking his passion and thriving. But the video is fucking awful.

    Steve Jobs wasn't much of a coder, right? (I haven't really done my research on his life, so feel free to correct me.)

    Under what terms of fluent are we talking about? The ability to create simple programs in multiple languages? Wouldn't exactly claim that as fluent.

    15 apps doesn't mean shit if all the apps are terrible. Quality > Quantity
  • 81
    @jhh2450 I'd say if one person has 15 apps, they're all fucking shit. Especially since this kid has obviously not been collecting them for years and years.

    Unlike him, I only offer one shit app. And I'm proud.
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • 20
    @AlgoRythm But do you dream in code yet? 😐
  • 10
    Oh Boi! He will have no frienda and die lonely...
  • 1
    @busuu oh im so sorry!
  • 9
    code is too deterministic to be a good language to dream in... also, WTF??? Programming ISNT FUCKING HARD!!! WHATS FUCKING HARD, IS THE MATHS AND ALGORYTHMS BEHIND!!! which means, this boy is like a shell.. empty inside.
  • 4
    Still no clue why op wants to die
  • 22
    Do his dreams compile? πŸ€”
  • 8
    @AleCx04 because he dreams in PHP
  • 8
    I generally dream memes but weirdly yesterday Bill Nye gave me a visit!
  • 1
    Is the video gonna give me cancer? I'd really like to know if it's safe to watch
  • 4
    @busuu its all my fault! please forgive me! We can be friends so you arent so lonely
  • 7
    Ok just forget steve jobs ( should be wozniak or some other guy in the office we hardly knew...)
    Programming at that age makes you wonder what have you been at his same age. While other kids started jerking off he seems to have thought of better things to do. Though I'd admit his family seems wealthy for someone to be able to own needed tools for developing. Still better use of money than watching porn
  • 4
    Hopefully Trump will deport him and his family back to Mexico where he can code darknet websites for the cartels
  • 2
    I've been hating on this video for so many years lol.
  • 6
    Nobody asking about what fucker's doing now?

    I mean he is 18 now. Where is all the steve-jobs-success, where did the dreams go eh?

    Welcome to the real world.:b

  • 9
    This reminds me of old videos that old people made about computer-savvy kids.
    "Wow, you can search the interwebs? How cool for your age!"

    Now that computers, internet and so on are more common and down-to-earth, doing anything above average usage - especially at young age is seen as something 'extraordinary'.
    "Wow, you can write apps, websites and create vector graphics? How cool for your age!"

    You can easily tell these 'documentaries' have no youngsters behind their production, because youngers would be like "that's cool.. there are many kids like him tho, why make a video about this specific one?"

    I mean come on - there's a guy in Poland who's like 7-12 and he's already in university builiding and programming complex automations - THAT'S WHAT I CALL TRUE GENIUS.
  • 2
    @Galrog excuse me, WUT?

    Now I have to watch this video later
  • 4
    @daintycode He's been an intern at Apple for past 8 months.. lol.
  • 2
    @JJonekK k, thats actually something.

    But i agree with your point above.. if someone draws damn good or stuff like that at young age nobody cares, but if you're a tech-kid either you got parents who tell you to get off the computer or parents who think they gave birth to god himself.^^
  • 5
    Agreed, that video makes me cringe
  • 4
    @daintycode i have the parents telling me to get off the computer...

    my dads even gone so far to pull the internet cable at 10 pm...

    if he keeps on doing this, he will be blacklisted xD
  • 0
    score! i released my first app at 13😎
  • 2
    @calmyourtities Where's the link to your documentary? 😏
  • 2
    @JoshBent only for those fourteen year olds with expensive ass macs in their bedroom🀣
  • 2
    @calmyourtities don't you just wish right now you were 14 years old and had an "expensive ass mac"
  • 2
    @JoshBent all I need is a Mac and I'll meet those expectations
  • 1
    @calmyourtities what are you waiting for, that kid is literally beating your game
  • 4
    "Might just be the next Steve Jobs" Ahahahaha
  • 5
    I dream in brainfuck everyday
  • 2
    oh cmon this crap again XD ffs there's a ten metric tons of young people "coding" it's no big deal just over glorifying things i had to unfollow arm couple of days back because of this exact same thing some 11 years old making some leds turn on and off and they start pushing that shit every goddamn day.
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