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    While I may find these memes there are no ways to find wether something has been previously posted or not.

    This was originally posted on Reddit.
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    @filthyranter no shit. Really? I hadn't noticed! Thanks!
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    @n3xus I apologize for the rudeness of the users in this comment thread.

    I’m going to start banning people who think they can abuse other members because they made a repost. It’s pretty sad I even have to write this comment.

    If you see a post you don’t like downvote it. No one gives a fuck beyond that if you didn’t like something.
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    @dfox I agree. While I understand reposts may be annoying and spammy there was no indicator that the photo was already posted.

    What if when you try to post a photo it compares it to others saved and warns you of threads potentially with that photo already on them?
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    @n3xus yeah, and I mean it’s not like anything malicious was done, you were simply posting something relevant that you thought people would enjoy. The responses were just out of control and degrading because someone made a repost. Kind of ridiculous/sad to see.

    We do partially have the functionality you describe. But it only detects exact copies right now so if the image is different at all (ex. compression, size, etc.) then it doesn’t detect it. We’ve tried to come up with simple ways to improve that, but many weren’t that accurate.

    Some more info here: https://devrant.com/rants/425054/...
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    @n3xus that'd be a pretty nice feature, but we do already have the "downvote as repost" option, and people can then filter out on that. so I'm not sure if it'll be prioritized. but I'm also not sure if a lot of people know that they can filter them..

    and you're right that it's impossible to know if something has been posted before, I was just a bit frustrated after seeing the same thing three times a day haha.
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    @balte vote as repost hides them but when people comment on reposts it literally tells our algorithms give this more exposure because people want to discuss it.
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    @dfox well... that's ironic in my case haha.
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