
Well, this has been one hell of an awesome ride already. I’m at 70K+ and the biggest ranter as for reputation (those upvote thingies). Although I don’t care about being the biggest one currently, I do take pride in it but I’ll get back to that one later on. (I’ll very likely lose the first place at some point but oh well, couldn’t care less :))

I joined back in May last year through an article I found on https://fossbytes.com (thanks a bunch!), joined and was immediately addicted. The community was still very tiny back then and I’ve got to say that getting upvotes was also not the easiest :P. But, I finally found a place where I could rant out my dev related frustrations: awesomeness. I very much remember how, at first, reaching 1K was my biggest devRant dream and it seemed to be freaking impossible. Then I reached 1K and that was such a big achievement for me! Then the ‘dream’ (read these kind of dreams (upvotes ones) as things that would be awesome to reach not just for the upvotes but for participating, commenting, ranting, discussing and so on within the community, so as in, it shows your contribution) became 10K which seemed even more impossible. Then I reached 10K and 20K seemed freaking impossible but I got there a little faster and from that point on it’s been going fast as hell!

It’s always been a dream for me to become a very big but also ‘respected’ or especially well known user/person somewhere because that pretty much never happened and well, having dreams isn’t wrong, is it?

The biggest part of that dream, though, was that it would be a passion of mine that would get me there but except for Linux, the online privacy part was something I always deemed to be ‘just impossible’. This because irl I ALWAYS get (it’s getting less though) ridiculed for being so keen on my privacy and teaching others about it. People find me very paranoid right away but the thing is that if they ask me to explain and I actually present evidence for my claims, it’s waved away as if it’s nothing. (think mass surveillance, prism, encrypted services, data breaches and so on)
I never thought I’d find any other people who would have the same views as I do but fucking hell, I found them within this community!

Especially the fact that I’ve grown this much because of my passion is something I am proud of. It’s also awesome to see that I’m not the only one who thinks like this and that I’ve actually find some of you on here :)

So yeah, thanks to everyone who got me where I am now!

Also a big thanks to sir Dfox and Trogus for putting your free time into making this place happen.

Love you peoples <3 and to anyone ‘close’ on here I forgot, if you match any of the comments as for privacy/friendliness etc, don’t worry, those nice things also apply to you! My memory just sucks :/

P.S. Please do NOT comment before I comment that I’m done with commenting because I’ve got a lot of comments coming :D

  • 17
    @matsaki95. Actually the first devRanter I got in touch with through Signal. The first ranter I shared privacy related thoughts with. Although we’ve got a slight age gap, that doesn’t matter when you’re passionate about the same things!
  • 20
    @PerfectAsshole. That one straight-fucking-on guy when it comes to security. Speaks his fucking mind when it comes to cyber security and sometimes this is needed much. Shares quite some of my views regarding Linux/privacy/security. Also caught me doing some nasty security stuffs and made sure that I knew that 😅
  • 17
    @jpichardo. Hey bro! Not as in the way everyone says ‘bro’ to eachother. As in ‘brother’. The guy I taught a lot about privacy, I am probably one of the persons who got him into privacy. Awesome person, shares my views, don’t have to explain myself to him regarding privacy/security. Just an awesome person to have as friend!
  • 17
    @runfrodorun. Think I met him at a rant/comment for the first time where he very very very clearly explained his views on privacy/tracking etc. I immediately knew that we shared a lot of views. Still keeping in touch, learning loads from him and sharing the same ‘radicalness’ on privacy/foss. Thanks!
  • 19
    @Ashkin. That one privacy girl. That one privacy girl I never met before. It’s awesome to have someone agreeing with you on loads of privacy perspectives. No sexism meant at all but keep in mind that 99.9 percent of the girls I know are kinda like ‘use whatsapp/facebook or we won’t stay in touch’. It’s weird/great to see someone of the opposite sex who actually thinks alike! Still hope to meet her on Signal some day :)
  • 16
    @Ebourgess. Yes, didn’t forget about you mate! Awesome guy who I haven’t seen around that much anymore but if you return, you’re very welcome again! (fossl chat for one) Shares much of the same views and is just an awesome person to talk with :D.
  • 17
    @QueenMorgana. First female devRanter I got in touch with through some encrypted chat platforms. Very kind/sweet girl to talk to and she’s one of the very few girls like ashkin who share my views on privacy which is very very rare. :hugging_face:
  • 21
    @AlexDeLarge. Person who says what he fucking thinks and although that’s not always useful, on devRant, it’s fully fuckiing acceptable. Straight to the point always, speaks his fucking mind and hates wordpress. Also I think he picked up on some of my privacy app/service reommendations!
  • 18
    @ThatDude. Very nice young (relatively, to me I mean) guy. Shares quite some of his views with me and always leaves nice/funny comments. Also is a very nice person to talk to through the Signal group chat. By the way, got a little surprise coming up for you so keep a tab on your mentions ;)
  • 15
    @404response. Awesome guy to talk to. Shares quite some of my interests/passions and that for someone his age!
  • 16
    @Torbuntu. Someone who, as many of the people above, share the same views. Only this guy does it in a slightly different way than most people which is hard to describe but awesome anyways! Glad to have you as a friend man!
  • 17
    @Alice - only recently started talking but you seem you be an awesome girl! Currently struggling with my phone but should be up again tonight :D
  • 15
    Go ahead with commenting now :D (@dfox @trogus)
  • 6
    @Alice The app hasn't even been starting anymore (no chat apps actually) after reinstalls so currently setting my previous galaxy s6 edge up!
  • 7
    @IllSlapU Wanted to do something unique :)
  • 7
    Congrats @linuxxx for your well deserved 70k! You're a fucking rant machine! :P
  • 4
    @linuxxx awesome rant, also I am very happy that you mentioned me! :)
    Is signal working for you again?
  • 4
    @404response Currently working on that last one 😅
  • 6
    @linuxxx message me already! ☹! Though I'm not sure how to share my number without making it public.

    I suppose I could use @runfrodorun's approach and set up a crappy telnet server or something. Ew, DevOps. Wait, isn't that your area?!
  • 2
    I feel left out... JK... But why @70k?
  • 4
    When I joined you were one of the staples of ranting. Reading your multiple daily rants is always entertaining. I wish more ++s to you dude! And congrats for this huge amount achieved!
  • 3
    @Ashkin I mentioned you once or twice the past few days but never saw a reaction so thought I'd mention you here :).

    Uhm I'm more of a general server management person haha! You could email me, just say when you read this and I'll comment my email somewhere and then say when you got it and I'll remove it :)
  • 3
    @Snatched Thanks man, appreciated!

    @matsaki95 Very nice to hear that 😊
  • 5
    @matsaki95 In reality he has 6 hands and 6 phones.

    That's why he always wears suits: They are specifically designed to hide his alien origin.
  • 4
    @matsaki95 Yeah so started typing them a few days ago so worked on it for a few days :)
  • 2
    @Ashkin What do you think of that ideaaaa?
  • 2
    @Alice i messaged you again... :D
  • 2
    @linuxxx thanks bro, and yeah you were the one that led me to be privacy concious
  • 3
    @jpichardo Joining the riot group again soon by the way!
  • 3
    @linuxxx @Ashkin Why don't you do a proper contact exchange?

    @linuxxx, just paste your public gpg key and let @Ashkin paste her phone number encrypted with said key.
  • 3
    @theCalcaholic That's actually a quite good one... Gotta find my key again first :P
  • 0
    @linuxxx Look it up on the key server? :P

    For a moment I was even afraid you could not have a gpg key. :D
  • 2
    @theCalcaholic I don't have it published! Because I used to change keys a lot :)
  • 0
    @linuxxx Ah that's a pity. You deny yourself the occasional joy of receiving an encrypted Email from someone without asking for it. :P
  • 1
  • 1
    @linuxxx so this is why you've not been in slack in ages!
  • 1
    @ThomasRedstone Different reason but it's going to take ages for this shit (irl stuffs) to get cleared out before I will even consider going back to in encrypted chat thingies :)
  • 4
    @linuxxx you where the first ranter that I subscribed to. Also. Congrats on the absurdly large amount of ++. I will continue living down here with the rest of the devrant population ;)
  • 3
    @ThatDude he forgot me.. I'm totally not disappointed....
  • 2
    @ewpratten Sorry, my memory 😭. Read both 404response and thatdude's ones, they apply to you as well!
  • 3
    Whoa easy. Try not to break your arm jerking yourself off pal.
  • 1
  • 2
    @linuxxx it’s just...what is the point of such a self congratulatory post? It’s like you are jerking off in front of everyone. You are essentially just showing off.

    Gratz, you post on here a lot. Did you want a trophy or something?
  • 4
    @deusprogrammer If you think that that's up to you.

    This post is meant as a look back on the time I've been here, what I've reached and how much I like it here.

    Also as a big thanks to this awesome community :).

    Maybe you interpret it the way you're telling but it's definitely not meant that way at all.
  • 3
    @deusprogrammer Oh and as for the trophy, I've got a rubber ducky for free and I've come this far on here, that's more than enough of a 'trophy' for me.
  • 2
    Well... Will be a long way for devs like me 😂😂😁
  • 3
    But yah good night I guess, gotta get up in 5 hours so deffo going to sleep now :P. Wondering for the new comments already!
  • 0
  • 4
    @linuxxx 🤗🤗🤗 sorry I've been m.i.a... Feel like a terrible friend.. Glad you're well, though :)
  • 0
    @QueenMorgana Hopefully we'll catch up soon 🤗
  • 2
    Haha I did kind of the same thing when I left my previous company 😊 It was a 24 people company and wanted something unique so I started to thank everyone one by one listing what I gathered from them in my goodbye email 🙂
    Still an awesome post, I like seeing you passionate like that and not having the fear to show it. You are awesome!
  • 1
    @VonKavalier Awh thankies 🤗
  • 5
    Congrats dude, and thanks for being such an awesome part of the devRant community!
  • 0
    @Ashkin Hello, how'd you do the number exchange? :)
  • 0
    @linuxxx I think @runfrodorun tried introducing us via email. However, I have a gmail account so it likely went in your trash. lol
  • 0
    @Ashkin Oh that was that email! I got it through his own address, let me re-login :P
  • 0
    @Ashkin I did not get anything in relation to getting in touch from either you or runfrudorun! Also nothing in my spam :/
  • 1
    @runfrodorun where's that facepalm emoji? 😖
  • 1
    It was fun reading this.
    Read a long rant + all its comments after a long while (leaving my work aside).
    Kudos to @linuxxx
    Though, I am mostly an unknown user in devrant, it's been great reading all your rants and your concerns for privacy.
    I hope by the time you reach 100k, this community also gets tons of users who has acquired great amount of privacy awareness just because users like you share the experience and knowledge about the stuff you love for.
    Till then, I will be waiting for the rant where you gonna say:
    "Fuck, Fuck, I am hacked. My privacy is compromised".
  • 1
    @github Thanks man! Depends on what would be hacked 😅. My servers and my laptop are very tightly secured and mostly my smartphone as well haha
  • 1
    @linuxxx that's why, that rant will be interesting. 😂😂
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