
@mr “i can’t run a terminal on a iPhone” and deletes the rant.

I am getting sick and Fucking tired of the bullshit some android fanboys believe apple iPhones are Incapable off.

You may want to go educate your fucking self!

  • 4
    @No-one no it’s completely useless on a phone.

    So hard to type things into it 😂
  • 8
    iOS definitely IS locked down and lacks many features it should have.
    On Android, I basically can add system-wide features myself...
  • 6
    @filthyranter I didn’t say it wasn’t locked down,
    but it can do a lot of things without jailbreaking it that are usually what is compared to as lacking and not having or there’s work around a at least.
  • 2
    iOS & Android once gained root access it can do wonders.
    I used to do terminal stuff on my 2nd gen iPod Touch (back in 2009)
    Cydia has soo many useful packages inside of it for these things.

    The only difference between Android and iOS, usually android phones allow bootloader unlock => easier rooting
    While in iOS I think its not possible and users are usually stuck on a certain version of iOS or they'll lose their jailbreak.

    Unless that changed, I don't know I've been an Android user since 2011
  • 2
    @riteshx95 m hopeful for purism librem 5... but again it will have virtually no apps 😭😭😭😭
  • 1
    @riteshx95 that was Microsoft... they weren’t even serious about it 😕
    They did have enuf resources to jump start the windows phone... too bad becoz it was actually a pretty stable, rock solid, and smooth device ( lumia 640 XL )
  • 2
    Want us to check our privileges?
  • 2
    I use a terminal in my phone quite often - for controlling my server via ssh (so not actually a local terminal).
  • 3

    Well sure, but that's just an ssh client. I'm a big fan of juice ssh.
  • 1
    @bahua Yes, but the typing experience is the same. ;)
  • 2

    Yeah, I don't understand why, but gesture typing just doesn't work while I'm connected.
  • 1
    @No-one as the non official representative of all respectfully geeks, i completely agree with you.
  • 0
    @bahua That's because it wouldn't make sense for that purpose. You're keyboard uses a dictionary for guessing what you want to type (by gesture typing) - and I'm pretty sure that dictuonary doesn't include terminal commands, parameters, your file paths, etc.
  • 0

    ls, grep, and rsync can be added to it just fine. However, I should probably just switch to a CLI-specific keyboard when I'm using that anyway.
  • 0
    @bahua Yeah but it would give you unwanted results in some cases. I think it's just a input field type which suppresses autocompletion and swiping (defined by the App developer).
  • 1
    Your attitude is terminally ill. No need to generalize and call someone out like that.
  • 0
    @C0D4 I gotta go with @Nifled - calm down there apple exhibitionist, just because somebody said you can't have a terminal on iOS doesn't mean everyone thinks that, also he apparently deleted it, so he did already either get told, that its as possible as on android or he then googled and saw its possible. iOS on base is pretty much shit to begin with, it needs to be jailbroken to actually be really useful and then it matches up to Android a lot, though Android allows most things on default, where you have to jailbreak for on iOS.
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