
It’s not “why do we exist“, it’s “how do we meaningfully exist for as long as we can”.

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    Also, define 'meaningfully' in this context
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    it's not even that. it's "things just happen, what the hell?"
  • 0
    I was about to say "fuck off" because this seems like a ping pong boii's post.
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    I know why
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    Life is empty and meaningless
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    I’m having so much fun, it’s depressing that I cannot enjoy myself like this for some 500 years at least
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    @ars1 easy to love life when ur born in a wealthy family or at least a middle class family with a good car and house
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    > It's time to turn my thinking around.
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    @retoor tell us the secret then
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    @b2plane I agree. That said, I’m from a developing country. I’m an immigrant now, thanks to software engineering and learning 2 other languages. Still gotta deal with immigrant bullshit. I’ve seen dirt poor people that managed to do well enough despite their circumstances.
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