how the fuck are these companies making $1M MONTHLY for a FUCKING "BUSINESS" CHAT APP


god i need to halve my IQ and just become an idiot, seems to make much more money, and is way less stress

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    it's a chat app that's marketed to businesses. meaning: nobody (of the people who make the purchase decision) cares about whether or not it is usable in any way.
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    they have friends that buy it for corpo
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    Im so fucking pissed off reading the first paragraph
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    "halve my iq so i can succeed" is what made me favorite this post and i rarely do this almost never. This is the most important thing i noticed. I wonder always why stupid people are rich but the smarter someone is the poorer he is
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    @b2plane yh, Bill Gates and Elon are oh so stupid...

    People who DO something are rich. Thinkers are not
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    @retoor well they _are_ stupid from a technical perspective. they're just smart at business decisions. or lucky.
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    @tosensei do you really believe that? Or is it smth you want to believe?
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    @retoor isn't it pretty well known that both of your example basically developed none of their big-profit-products on their own, but simply bought and marketed them? that they surround themselves with other people who have technological skills, while themselves only being businessmen with a talent for making the world _believe_ they are tech geniuses?

    they didn't actually DO anything. they didn't create or develop or invent something.

    they only invested [smartly/luckily - take your pick]

    they're business-smart. but technology-dumb.
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    @tosensei basic existed but he wrote it for a specific chipset. For an emulator that they wrote themselves because they didn't have the right hardware. Not genius enough for ya? They did stuff
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    @b2plane dutchies made millions recently to write an encrypted chat app for criminals. Isn't so hard in my eyes. Maybe an idea for you
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    @tosensei important to note that Bill got a business deal with IBM that helped him really get ahead, but the deal was done thanks to his rich mother having the contact in the first place. Had mom not had those connections, I doubt he’d gotten that far.
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    @retoor not as "genius" as "getting bored during programming class, so implementing a brainfuck-interpreter on my calculator from scratch and solving the assignment in brainfuck", and i wouldn't call that genius.

    so no: not genius enough ;)
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    also I'd say when casing rich people it's more interesting to look at self-made millionaires than it is at billionaires

    billionaires typically are that rich because they're playing games with the rich, and it behaves more like aristocracy than anything of merit. they also all have terrible personalities because they abuse the fuck out of each other. and having a terrible personality just lets you mooch off others -- you wouldn't be able to build something yourself because you can't yell it into submission
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    Do they sell drugs over that chat bot?

    IDK, sounds fishy, but they must have brainwashed the market and 'created' the need for something like that.

    Or maybe we are stupid to not monetize things like those first.

    Well, in any case someone is stupid in this story.
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    No need to halve your iq, instead, enhance it and read some financial stuff, especially about money laundering, there is quite some mind blowing stuff, especially the venture capital world.
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