Fuck PHPMyAdmin.
It's not PHP nor MyAdmin, it's trash. 0 stars. (/s)
But seriously, why is this the de facto database editing software in every PHP hosting I use. I haven't found anything (ANYTHING) Adminer doesn't do, and _better_.

  • 5
    Fuck PHP generally. Right in the mouth.
  • 2
    Just using HeidiSQL all the time now.

    Much better than any browser database manager.
  • 1
    @Grumm Ahh you beat me to it. I've been using Laragon for 6 years now. Fuck XAMPP fr fr.
  • 3
    Although HeidiSQL is good, MySQL Workbench is the best of all options.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy I am using Laragon too.

    I used to work with xampp or wampServer. (Even UsbWebserver was the top :P )

    But in Laragon you can easily add multiple php versions. Very nice.
  • 0
    @kanyewest I do, because I can and know how. My client, however...
  • 1
    @donkulator I love it so much that i would if I could <3
  • 0
    @AleCx04 If you did, you'd probably get a nasty dose of the clap.
  • 2
    @donkulator don't threaten me with a good time fam
  • 1
    With you on that. Adminer all the way!
  • 0
    Admimer = phpMyAdmin but a later version. So yeah the evolved product is actually better.

    Unless a client is forced on you one can use any. When you are stuck with it. You can usually bypass limitations as long as your can run sql files reliably.
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