
Just a simple reminder.

  • 1
    Was it an Arkansas delete?
  • 6
    wait he did tho
  • 10
    So did I delete him then??
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    What account are you suspecting to be ostream?
  • 2
    @Lensflare I love how this falls in line with conspiracy theories.

    1. ostream didn't delete himself

    2. is ostream still alive

    3. did ostream clone himself

    4. is somebody pretending to be ostream
  • 5
    Did @Nanos delete himself?


    Maybe it reminded him of how he deleted accounts in his other 173 active sites.


    Maybe we should all be more civil and not use pointy sticks to prevent this nonsensical account deletion.
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    Baby, come back
  • 5
    I do not think we should be nice to people
  • 0
    I was arguing with one guy and he revealed himself to be ostream. I can confirm he is not dead and he is lurking somewhere...
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  • 3
    @jestdotty What is intimacy?

    I had a really great day yesterday, meeting people is so nice. I wonder if I had intimate connections, even as friends yesterday... Looking at their eyes, with pure heart and good intentions... Wishing nothing but good for the person...

    I waited my cousin at a bar (happen to be an event, I wasn't invited and it was awkward, but they were really nice enough to let me enjoy for a bit). My cousin arrived and then we took last train home. There was a pretty girl sitting we made eye contact many times but it seemed she was pretty insecure, and kept fixing her hair, looking at a small mirror etc. She had a lot of acne too. I wanted to talk to her badly. Anyway, we missed our station and had to leave. I kneeled little bit down since I was standing and she was sitting, and I told her "you're beautiful". She smiled and I felt so much warmth, and I bowed and left. It was soo nice.

    I hope she realizes how beautiful she is.
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    @kanyewest wow, bowing
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    @kanyewest culture difference maybe. A Dutch girl would laugh and don't know what's going on
  • 1
    @retoor 🤣
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