
Gargoyle sucking its own todger, of the day.

  • 3
    What the fuck?! It can’t be what it looks like. But if it’s not, what is it?
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    K O N R A D
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    oddly this is how I see ostream
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    wtf photo 2
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    I guess he wasn't very popular
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    when your drinking buddies pull the last prank on you after your death
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    "Gargoyle" is how I imagine this sculpture would sound like if it were alive (and making sounds).
  • 4
    A lot of y’all are like “wtf” and “this is weird” when we all know you have at least tried it once at one point in your life. Don’t pretend like u haven’t.
  • 2
    @shovethisrant I tried it, failed. need to do more yoga
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    @shovethisrant or maybe yoga for my dick so I can stretch it out like dhalsim
  • 6
    Wow, I never knew product owners existed back then!
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    @TeachMeCode more of a mortal kombat guy, but that’s crazy is it like a special move or something where he just whips it out?

    Also, you could probably do it too by just putting a heavy weight on it all day. Probably would break circulatory function tho lol
  • 3
    To @shovethisrant and others — I did it. Yes, I was that flexible. Despite my blowjob skills, sucking your own dick feels like tickling yourself — it doesn’t really work. My brain cannot process the data from both my mouth and my penis simultaneously, especially in that awkward pose. So if you wondered what that felt like — don’t worry. You ain’t missing anything.
  • 4
    @kiki Well Konrad's been doing it for the past 500 years so it can't be bad.
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