Anybody got a good cure to headaches+sorethroat when i have a shitload of stuff to do?

  • 3
    You can get those hot lemon-y drinks at the pharmacy (called coldrex here)
  • 5
    tea :)
  • 1
    @BindView aspirine?
  • 3
    @linuxer4fun if there is an aspirine drink i guess
  • 6
    Sleep... You'll prolly screw up whatever ur doing anyway or never get it done
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    Hot drinks like tea preferably something like ginger/lemon. Mildly spicy to help with congestion.
  • 3
    Turmeric and water
    This yellow spice is a powerful antioxidant, and scientists think it has the strength to fight many serious diseases. For a sore throat remedy, mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of hot water and gargle.
  • 2
    @billgates nah, i just read this after sleeping ;)
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    Lemon oil in some hot tea really helps me out.
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    Emergen-c, Zycan, any otc cold remedy.
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    I usually go for hot water only that helps a lot
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    Oh or hot water mixed with honey 😋
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    Thanks doods
    Unfortunately im forced to be at the opera, not allowed to wear my jacket, wearing an overthight shirt :/ not only does this suck, its the best way for me to get something worse ://
    Oh also i cant drink anything :/

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    @linuxer4fun wish i was going to the opera, never been. Would like to experience it at leastonce in my life.
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    Excedrin and either cough syrup or Manuka honey.

    I thought Manuka honey was all a bunch of crap until my girlfriend finally convinced me to try it. My sore throat went away in three days instead of my usual three weeks! I swear by it now. Pricey, though.
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    @helloworld opera is nice! Not when ur ill though
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    @ThatDude naja. Da ich noch bei meinen eltern wohne und die sehr sehr sehr wenig von "medizin" halten wirds wohl schwer
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    @ThatDude Ya lol.

    Mit 14 Jahren werde ich eh als "pubertierend" abgestempelt von daher brauche ich garnicht erst anfangen :P
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    @ThatDude nicht lustig :P
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    @ThatDude zuordenbar? Was meinst du? Lol
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    @ThatDude ja schon aber was hazt du gemeint? Dass du auch so warst?
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    @ThatDude Aso.

    Glaubst du jetzt als erwachsene(r) Mensch, du hättest damals oft falsch gelegen?
    Und hast du iwelche tipps, wie ich mit erwachsenen Menschen umgehen kann, die dauernd meine pubertät als grund für meine Abweichende Meinungen/Handlungen halten?
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    @ThatDude o scheisse xD
    Dann sind wir ja im selbem boot lol
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