Devrant guidelines update:
1. Just because you can post something doesn't mean you should.
2. Everyone should be treated fairly and with respect.
3. We should be looking for positives in people and rewarding those.
4. Share your rants in a non-polarizing way to help bring the community together.
5. Don't post anything about the word made from the first letter of the first four guidelines.

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    Something something bitcoin
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    I intend to abide by guideline 2 by hating everyone equally.
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    Fucking jews did this. Just follow the money
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    6. Internet Explorer was not only a bad browser, but an overused joke. There are a lot of IE-related posts already. It's time to stop.
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    7. Estrogen should be free.
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    8. devRant is not abandoned. There is still hope.

    9. F# is not superior to C# in any way, shape or form. It's not even hot anymore — learn Rust or JavaScript

    10. Object-oriented languages don't deserve promotion on devRant.

    11. R and Julia are a rare breed. Treat people who use those with a _lot_ of respect — we need more of them.

    12. Yii framework is filth that has no place on devRant.

    13. Open Source is good enough. Free Software is not the only way to go.

    14. Unique nicknames please!

    15. Ready or not, JavaScript is coming to your field, and it's out for blood.

    16. SOAP is an abomination. Stop using it.

    17. Intel and AMD clash is old enough too. Stop it.

    18. No more Apple hate!

    19. Sometimes, “I was wrong” is the most noble thing one can say.
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    But how else would I turn people into gay communists like it says on my liberal agenda? :(
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    @kiki R brings me PTSD.

    The library is good for math but the syntax is horrendous.
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    @mostr4am if it‘s good for math then horrendous syntax is a must!
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    About point 2:

    Respect has to be earned. If someone acts like a monkey on crack, it‘s completely fair to treat them without respect.
    Treating them with respect would be unfair to those who actually deserve respect.
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    @Lensflare I kinda disagree. How you treat others is a statement of your self-image. Don't get me wrong, respect has to be earned, but your default shouldn't be disrespect either.
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    @mostr4am extremism courts the petty and the dull. I don't think you have so much an agenda as a mood disorder.
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    @NoMad I agree. The default should be some amount of respect. You can lose that amount quickly and it should be possible to lose it.
    Otherwise you get those people tho respect everyone no matter how idiotic they are. And I disagree with this mentality.
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    @kiki I imagine you being the type of person that says - Leave the billion dollar company alone! They are trying the hardest they can.

    Apple doesn't get enough hate, how about that?
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    @NoMad default should be hate. always. What are we, software developers or spiritual leaders?

    We have to live up to the expectations of seniors being toxic, don't we?
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    Wouldn't it be awesome if a fight broke out right here in the comments section, a post about how we should we treating each other with respect?
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    @NoMad That's the spirit.
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    @SidTheITGuy 90% of the hate that Apple gets is by people who don’t even use Apple products (or services).
    And 90% of that can be boiled down to how overpriced the products are or how different macOS is to Windows.

    So yes, it definitely gets enough hate.
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    @kiki You know, I'm your biggest fan but point 11 is by far the gayest thing you've ever said. Did you ever try Julia yourself? It's like python had a stroke. Julia devs stay rare, I promise. Ok, I won't be too nice but just tolerate them, their life's are prolly hard enough already
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    @mostr4am `But how else would I turn people into gay communists like it says on my liberal agenda? `

    -> change starts with yourself. Also, you're behind. Minor Attracted Persons are hot now in your community. I told you before, you're not progressive anymore. A center 'guy' at most
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    Nice rant! Some people just have nothing nice to say. This should change.

    But seriously, I think this is a wholesome community
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    @retoor I didn’t. It was kinda hard to find a word that starts with J for point 11. Wait till everyone in this thread but OP and you figure out it was all about first letters of each point
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    @kiki afaik only one did. And Java, dear. JAVA!

    @demolishun nobody forgets his first jew. I met him on devRant and he was awesome but took a break to detox of toxic environments for a while ironically. Way to go @demolishun
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    @retoor nah progressivism is a white people thing to make them seem more evolved. There is strictly no such thing as progress, we are no better than our ancestors and our children won't be better than us.
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    @retoor i cant be gay its too time consuming
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    @mostr4am so you think that you can choose to be gay like you can choose what to wear?
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    @Lensflare they lie on a large scale (iphone update scandal), they practice union-busting, I've saw one of their executive threatening employees never to find a job again if they leaked informations, they listen to people illegally without any PII protection, their subcontractors have suicide nets so their indentured slave wouldn't get out, and so on.

    You're in a cult.
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    @Lensflare huuuh being gay is entirely about what you wear. I think, I dont know much about gays to be honest but they seem very well-dressed.
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    @mostr4am your cult doesn't take kids anyway. Problem solved. Natural selection doing its thing.

    Anyway, you made it really too easy for me to make certain comment that will blow your mind :D Since the new guidelines i'll just offend you on Matrix. You'll go SJW on this, that i maybe write the date and your reaction in my next commit message to never forget
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    @mostr4am being gay has pure to do what language your program. Nothing more
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    @retoor I dont have a cult. I meant to open one one of these days but who have time for that?
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    @retoor everytime I stretch my big toe it cracks and hurt do you think i should see a doctor?
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    @mostr4am I was a big fan of the 'lovehaswon' cult. The one of wild wild country (of the Netflix docu) also seemed nice. I've watched video's from Dutch women who were part of it and they said that it was awesome. Not every cult ends bad. At least, not for everyone.

    @mostr4am regarding your toe, i would just smoke (sniff) a bit more and wait a few days
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    that's not how devrant works
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    @retoor it's been years my big toe is going worst and worst. Maybe i should do more yoga
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    @retoor yeah i love myself a cult. I was into the mansons family, the solar temple, the posadists, NXIVM, Aum Shinriky, the Heaven's Gate, the children of god, the people's temple,...

    I did sex cult, drug cult, knitting cult, programming cults, freudian cults, sea cults, sauna cults, anal cults, acid cults, music cults, police cults,...

    There's something for everyone really
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    @mostr4am don't cut if off. It's very hard keeping balance without it I've heard. I'm trying to diss you but you're not reading Matrix. That frustrates me
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    @mostr4am all you know about gay people is that they can steal your phone IIRC
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    @kiki people are still joking about IE? I haven't even seen it in the wild in years now.
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    the other day I realized I fuck up because I'm giving respect to people who don't deserve it and they get offended and bludgeon me over the head because of it

    it was kind of funny

    so if you give someone feedback thinking they're a respectable person that just blitzed and fucked something up, they feel criticized because they didn't blitz... that was their best work and you're a fucking cunt and now they hate you for life and hope to destroy your confidence in anything thereafter and say retarded shit that doesn't even make sense and put shame on your whole family to the village

    so now I'm confused what to do. I've always been optimistic people can and want to better themselves but evidently that leads to harm to myself if I don't treat them like they're... what? I don't even know. I got no clue
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    @NoMad your neurology functions in reflexes, habits. how you think about yourself is how you'll habitually think of others, and how you think of others will train reflexes on how you'll interpret yourself!

    unless you have some kind of brain damage or traumatic compartmentalization (but then you have other problems)

    this is a good quick way to read somebody and predict them
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    @SidTheITGuy you wanna be loved unconditionally despite being toxic. you fish for compassion, retard guru
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    So this was joke/meme. The rules are a tool to tell a joke. I could have put anything in them. Fucking devrant is full of autists.
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    @jestdotty in response to "the other day" comment, I'd suggest learning to develop strong boundaries. You shouldn't just respect others, you should also have plenty of respect for yourself, body and soul.
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    @Demolishun as an agnostic, I'm offended.
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    @NoMad I have respect fine as far as I'm aware... I have intense curiosity though

    unless you got something specific to say sounds like a snide comment
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    @jestdotty wasn't snide, just saying if they're not respecting you despite your kindness, set boundaries and don't tolerate their disrespect.

    I personally like it when someone without jealousy and ulterior motives gives me suggestions.
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    @jestdotty you try to be a psychologist and decode other people, while being a racist bitch at her core.

    Fuck you and your opinions.
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    @NoMad "don't tolerate their disrespect" seems vague

    my example earlier was a job interview. understandably I was no longer interested in said job

    I don't know what's prompting this advice, since to my view there's nothing to prompt it
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    @jestdotty idk. Maybe I projected. My recent life lessons were related to establishing boundaries.
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    @NoMad I see. when I got harassed it was people telling me I had boundary issues... so they'd come to me telling me they don't know how boundaries work as an introduction but then offering me advice on boundaries lmao

    people are gonna walk all over you, just remember who it was and hold a grudge I guess

    I mean sometimes people don't know you're not ok with something. they're not necessarily assholes. if you tell them no and they don't respect it then I'd be sus of them and downgrade my trust of them, probably ditch them for somebody better. but in my view it seems to be in the culture to be as big cunts as possible. for personal relationships it's easier, for professional ones it's not, at least for me for whatever reason
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    @SidTheITGuy come on shes just confused <3
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    @NoMad btw your name

    in animals, anger / aggression comes out when their boundaries / territory is crossed. this type is more common in females probably, because oxytocin will create intense aggression over protecting children for example. animals will protect their nests aggressively, or themselves and their territory like in the case of cats and whatever

    anger can be frustration which is goal-seeking behaviour also though

    but if you can't tell where your boundaries are, what evokes anger is a good start. maaaaybe you were told to keep such things to yourself to soften you up for boundary violations, as those things go. probably you heard this already though

    (and depression is anger turned inward btw, where you feel hopeless in your anger so you just hate yourself instead or convince yourself it somehow doesn't matter when it does)
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    @mostr4am Fuck that bitch.

    @NoMad please stop wasting your time with this cunt. No use arguing with a fucking psycho
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    @bosslogic I am in a bad mood because I see my gf crying about her friends getting bombed.

    I don't think you're able to relate, do you, you heartless cunts? Subhumans are unable to have any feeling. You're just a machine, passively eating TV like the other idiots. Kill yourself.
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    @mostr4am I'm sorry for your troubles, but you do not get to encourage self harm. Stop that!
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    @NoMad genocide supporters doing self-harm is only harm reduction. It's sad, but you can't do an omlet without breaking eggs. They are just the victim of their own logic. Threat fire with fire.
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    @NoMad sorry you have to be exposed to that tho
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    Anyone who is disagreeing with @mostr4am on anything is automatically a genocide supporting white wing nazi racist subhuman who deserves to die the most horrible death. 😂

    How can this NOT be trolling? Please downvote this idiot whenever he posts this crap!
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    @Lensflare I don't know. I drive with cartards every day. His mostri doctrine is growing on me. lol
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    @Demolishun what’s their bicycle bodycount so far?
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    @Lensflare look I might have cried wolf in the past and yes I tend to be a bit vehement.

    But people dont deserved to get bombed just for living in the wrong country, idk
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    @Lensflare come on the cunt said my gf deserved to get bombed coz she almost took a phd offer in lebannon. There's some boundaries not to break
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    @mostr4am I hear Lebanon isn't a country anymore because all their technology is exploding
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    @jestdotty they're still a country, they just had a terrorist attack.

    But the scums will make you believe 33% civilians casualty is an acceptable margin.
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    @mostr4am surely I said that your gf lowered her risk of getting bombed. Not that she deserved to get bombed. My preference is that nobody gets bombed.
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    @mostr4am if they can't trust any of their tech they cannot remain a sovereign country anymore

    it's like when you're a kid and you play mercy and have to cry "mercy". the tiger has your skull in his jaw. you tap out

    they interfered with the supply chain and put bombs in pagers and walkie talkies, and rumour is tvs, laptops, etc. they've been doing it for years. Lebanon has to go to the stone age. they have their head in the tiger's mouth. imagine living in the modern world without technology. you can't compete. their country has been turned into a minefield right under their noses, and smart mines that can be activated as Israel sees fit so you can't just throw something in a field and explode the ones laid there to clear them, the tiger has everyone's heads and fingers in his jaw and when the tiger snaps you die, so you have to do whatever the tiger wants now. you're fucked
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