
You know what? I've had it with this fucking hopped up country, I've been out the army less than a year and, full disclosure, I knew it was bad but what in the skullfuckery is wrong with the U.K?

Absolute retards everywhere, with some of THE MOST piggish, soul destroying and suicide mongering leaders I have ever met (that's a helluva achievement after 5 years in the army).

The amount of illegal immigrants that don't have a word of English or single thing to give this country, other than paediphilia, rape, knives, debt, and idiocy.

Yet the government is anally raping every single British citizen to give every single immigrant better living conditions than 90% of people who are here legally.

The woke-ism that permeates EVERYTHING is beyond a joke now too. When the hell did basic life become so convoluted, "offensive" and "scary" that primary schools have drag queens coming in to read, sex ed classes that teach shit like sex changes, transitioning, bending to everyone's will, and to be punished for asking questions?

It feels like there's a crushing weight on my chest 24/7 and I can't even speak about it because now free speech can get you demonized , ostracized, and even locked up!

It's okay though, you won't be locked up with any rapists, paedophiles, thieves, or SA's because they're all back on the streets to make space for anyone who dares have a voice.

Every time I talk to people now I feel violent and full of rage. Some of the time it's not even their fault, I'm just being chipped away at. CONSTANTLY.

I'm genuinely scared I'm going to lose my shit and break someone's neck, or my own.

DISCLAIMER: I know other countries have issues waaaay outweighing the UK's, and I'm not minifying them.

ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: as is the way, someone is most likely going to be offended by this post. Scroll the fuck on if that's the case. I'm human too and I need to vent. And this feels like the last safe space I can.

  • 0
    Maybe @MammaNeedHummus has to say anything about it if she isn't raping someone while using a knife, blaming her victim for her debt at the moment.
  • 3
    ```It feels like there's a crushing weight on my chest 24/7 and I can't even speak about it because now free speech can get you demonized , ostracized, and even locked up!```

    Yeah, I know how that feels. I worked in a woke team who kinda played a game to determine whom was the most woke all the time.

    Normally I would say - this thinking only happens in newspaper - but I did see it in real life too. Thankfully, those kind of people live in west of NL and I live in the east. We say "The wise men come from the East" for a reason here. Idiots. Yes, whole Amsterdam, Den Haag, Rotterdam, booeeeh. Come and get me.

    The news is not a good representation of real life tbh. Don't focus too much on it
  • 1
    Most ducks can only debug
  • 1
    @retoor yep, you’re manic.
  • 0
    @kiki No, i'm high. A WAY lesser feeling than manic. There's no drug in the world coming in the neighborhood of manic
  • 2
    @retoor that’s exactly what a manic person would say.
  • 1
    @retoor oh I don't watch the news. This is all from personal experience.
  • 0
    @kiki that's correct! One time when I was arrested I told them I was drunk to get away next morning. That failed. But nooo, you can believe me :)
  • 0
    @DucksCanCode so you have heard illegal immigrants doing / talking about paediphilia, rape, knives and debt since it's all from personal experience? :P That's hardcore bro
  • 2
    "Yet the government is anally raping every single British citizen to give every single immigrant better living conditions than 90% of people who are here legally." -> Meh, maybe. The Dutch give around 10K too to furniture their house. But are your jealous about that? I still rather be an original British citizen than a migrant running away from trouble. So, I'm not jealous regarding that nor worried about it.

    Tho, there were moments in life that I would love a new life with 10K to spend on house and leave everyone alone. But, nobody takes a refugee from the Netherlands serious, doesn't matter how much we suffer here
  • 4
    @retoor it's a pretty common occurrence where I live. Last week, my mate's 13 year old daughter was followed home from school by one guy. Yesterday 3 lads from the immigrant hotel near me robbed the local co-op.

    There's so much more though. cars being smashed up, windows being put through, random beatings, drugs, the list goes on.

    But it's more than that. It's the basic decent respect owed to a country that has taken them in and homed them after running from a warzone. If that was me I'd be fighting in that war, or at the very least treating the country and it's citizens with some fucking respect.

    Jealous? Maybe sometimes, as you are, yeah. But they've had their homes destroyed, families executed, lives ruined. So on the other hand, no.

    War fucks you up. But I just can't understand why you'd treat a country that took you in, the way they are.
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode they prolly lost the respect for the whole country the moment they found women are equal. From that moment, they can do anything or smth. No idea how those people think. But there must be something very fundamental that they don't like AND don't want to say. Because we should be able to ask right.

    I think the pissed off ones are not the ones that got a home. In Netherlands many sleep outside while it's a rich country. Swallow that i guess.

    The stuff on second paragraph of your comment was just Ostream visiting the UK. I have his address
  • 3
    @retoor. They came here. They're seeking refuge here. If they don't like how we do things, by all means they can fuck right back off again.

    Is the address writable, that's what I want to know.

    I've been on the streets, and I've been in wars. I know where I'd rather be. But as far as I can tell, the British government are doing a splendid job giving them accomodation.

    Guess it's bad everywhere then huh?
  • 2
    @DucksCanCode not in my village. It's still normal here. We call the police when we see a foreigner / guy in a dress :D
  • 3
    This allowing of "immigrants" is on purpose to disrupt the UK. Be careful what you say online about the UK. They can arrest people for dissident speak. You would need to look up what the actual things they look for. There was some chief of police in London threatening to extradite US citizens for memes. It is sad, but the UK government is purposely turning the UK into a shithole.

    The same thing is happening in blue states in the USA. Red states are not putting up with this. Except specific blue counties in those states. I know my state is relaxing gun laws in prep for defense.
  • 2
    @mostr4am dude I just had a stroke trying to make sense of your comments.
  • 0
    @Demolishun yup. My question though, what's the end goal? Civil war? Just to become filthy stinking rich?
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode its communism prep.
  • 2
    you will own nothing and be happy

    it's on purpose. turns out humans are no different than monkeys. there's a big monkey on top that wants to subjugate everybody else. difference in humans is we can be talked into subjugating ourselves through propaganda and "upbringing"

    so there's like a 300 year cabal that wrote a bunch of books about how they were planning all this, and prior decades

    inb4 one world government and climate change being a death cult religion

    thanks for your service, but turns out you get lied to just like everybody else and fighting for someone else instead of yourself gets ya conned. following orders is considered the worst disposition to have unfortunately. they train that into you so you'd be a useful peon. banality of evil time. rebel or be someone's bitch in their grand plan they convinced everyone is a "moral good" I guess. government's propaganda is the new religion
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode it's not that bad everywhere

    UK is worse in terms of the migrant stuff

    you definitely got the violent ones somehow

    USA has splotches, like Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes

    Canada has a lot of Haitians and some might be rapists or a bit antisocially challenged but it's pretty rare and Canada doesn't stand for that shit so we will get them removed no doubt cuz our politicians can't justify it. well they can't justify the antisocial ones, but the rape ones might stay around

    UK laid down and took it way too far. you're so horribly subjugated you're being asked to suffer more
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode end goal... is murky

    statistically it will breed out white people in about a decade, in USA

    club of Rome 300 had a plan to depopulate the planet to 500m aside from Chinese people because they're regimented to follow authority. they stated they would do this through limited wars and famines and plagues iirc

    when they say "sustainable" they mean to wittle down the amount of the population so that they can control everybody, without people creeping out of the corners because that's the current problem. advent of the Internet made propaganda and narratives hard to control, so they know they're losing control and want to depopulate to keep tighter controls

    migrants is probably to wittle down the population count through strife. kill some people here, have the populace get mad and tank the economy and result in famine there. bonus if you get an HIV outbreak due to the rapes or something

    and your politicians are compromised by the world economy forum, selected bitches
  • 2
    @mostr4am I've just looked at your other comments/rants and realised, it's nothing to do with me, you're just a bit of a prick. Your parents never loved you huh?

    Just as a side note, you ever actually stabbed someone? Buried a knife in their chest while they cry and piss themselves? No? You're talking to a war veteran who has, and would love to do it again. Learn some fucking respect or I might get what I want.

    Sleep well.
  • 2
    @jestdotty huh. Never thought of it as a population control thing, thought it was just rich getting richer tbh.

    Layers upon layers 😂
  • 5
    I am living in the UK – I came here 3 years ago from France, although France is not far from becoming the same – as well, and it’s by far the worst country I have been in. It’s an expensive ghetto.
    Nothing is working properly, every single thing is broken, the streets are dirty as hell, people are hypocritical as fuck, everyone look the same, and most of the inhabitants are utterly stupid. Safety is crap, unless you try to defend yourself. Let’s not talk about the NHS, where most of the doctors are incompetents.
    It has arrived to the point that after I get my settlement and I can work remotely for a British company, I will move to a country of Eastern Europe.

    By the way, British people are not welcome on the continent. The behaviour of British tourists is absolutely unbearable.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I urge them to pull me out. I always dreamt to be in the front page of a newspaper.
  • 2
    @mostr4am Le Belgistan aussi apparemment
  • 1
    @mostr4am I'm not your "bro" you absolute scum.
  • 1
    @mostr4am I don’t plan to not ASSIMILATE into the culture of the country I am leaving to. In fact, contrary to some persons, I am learning the language and I fully respect and love the culture there.
  • 1
    @mostr4am In France we tried to not be ethnocentric and see where we are now. See who remained ethnocentred.
  • 0
    @mostr4am I am doing my best. It’s never gonna be perfect but I have a good teacher.
  • 0
    @mostr4am C’est pas les arabes qui nous dérangent c’est ceux qui se comportent comme des merdes qui ont d’ailleurs jamais vu leur “””pays”””.
  • 0
    @mostr4am mon pays c’est devenu de la merde donc je me barre.
  • 1
    @mostr4am Je me débarrasse tout seul comme tu peux le voir. Je m’en vais sans rien demander.
  • 1
    @mostr4am Y’a pas d’hypocrisie je vais pas rester avoir une vie de merde pour faire plaisir à des politiciens qui n’ont aucun courage.
  • 2
    @mostr4am Et pour l’Algérie moi j’en ai rien à branler, j’étais pas né et il me semble pas que les Algériens étaient tout blancs dans l’histoire. Évitons de parler de ce qui est arrivé aux Harkis. En attendant ça fait soixante ans que le gouvernement de ce pays chouine à propos de la colonisation et ne font rien pour leur population.
  • 2
    @mostr4am Comme je te l’ai dis je m’en fous des causes etc, le fait est que la France comme le Royaume Uni comme la Belgique c’est devenu de la merde. Donc je me tire. Tu devrais être content, au plus les gens comme moi s’en iront au moins vous nous verrez. Si les arabes ont pas oublié moi je m’en branle, si ils veulent pas avancer, je m’en tape, mais moi si, donc autant le faire dans un pays qui veut avancer aussi.
  • 2
    @mostr4am Et si les grecs s’en prennent plein la gueule en France c’est pas à moi qu’il faut demander mais à ceux qui ont foutu tellement le bordel que plus personne ne peux les voir. Même les types qui sont nés au Maroc ou en Algérie il les supportent pas. Ça pose aucune question ça ?
  • 3
    De une on nous laissera jamais faire le même bordel dans l’Est
    De deux la majorité des gens qui s’expatrient dans l’Est y vont avec la volonté de s’intégrer là bas parce qu’ils savent très bien ce à quoi a mené le communautarisme dans l’Ouest.
  • 3
    @mostr4am Mais je sais que c’est notre problème. C’est ce que je disais plus haut. C’est de la responsabilité de politiciens de merde sans courage. Moi je peux rien faire à mon échelle.
  • 3
    @mostr4am le problème du karsher c’est qu’il est resté dans le garage.
  • 4
    @Demolishun Don't underestimate any government. I had the Dutch government against me for something not know it existed. And yes, I've paid the price. And no - no fair treatment. Seriously, WOW. It didn't happen only to me. But by design, we don't know each other and someone else than us won't believe us. Can you imagine the fucked up situation? It did result me not having to work for a few years tho. Something worse. This comment is the only and last thing i'll ever tell about it
  • 4
    @DucksCanCode money is how you incentivize people

    the money is printed though. thats why everyone gets poorer. that's what causes inflation

    also the money is made up. we agreed that these notes are IOU papers. this guy does something people are "thankful" for, so he got IOU papers. now he can ask someone from his community to take those IOU papers and do a favor for him. repeat and you got an economy

    but governments, or each individual currency, decides how much circulating IOU notes there are, if suddenly there is more, and lets say someone greedy can buy 20 cows instead of 1, suddenly theres a shortage of cows, and 1 cow eventually becomes the price of the old 20. or in the case of modern economics, the CPI is gamed on shrinkflation and shittification of ingredients that shouldnt be called food or livable. the prices of housing hasnt gone up, thats just how much poorer everyone got because your government is printing money to control favours to its state like a tyrannical monarchy
  • 4
    @retoor and the irony with your situation is I have a guy from NL who regularly stalks me and sends me death threats, tried to dox me numerous times, and has had at least 6 therapists in this time, can't keep a job longer than 6 months, and he's still roaming free and shit

    hell one time someone doxxed him and sent proof of him being a pedo to his workplace. they fired him but he's still walking around blaming other people for things they didn't do

    the rules don't make sense. nobody deserves such power. they say such measures are done to protect people like me from such people like him, but that's not what they're used for. not that I advocate for locking people up. I actually don't even want him to be locked up (but if he shows up I want a restraining order and the cops to show up if I call them about him)
  • 4
    @jestdotty you chatbot friend is a pedo? Dear lord. Watta you telliu mii noww
  • 4
    @jestdotty while it's a nice story, I think you femsplained him :p
  • 6
    @retoor I don't know if in actuality. he was just being a degenerate because it was "not allowed"

    anyway he got the eye of some chick who viewed him as a "lulcow" so she doxxed him and reported him to his employer and he's actually not spoken about it since

  • 6
    @Tounai la remarque qui explique tout. T'es qu'une petite merde de genocidaire. Va te jeter dans la thamise, raclure.
  • 6
    @jestdotty femsplaining is mensplaining by a woman 😁 About the IOU notes. I think a guy his age knows :p You forgot to tell that every bank had its own IOU notes. Nice addition
  • 5
    @DucksCanCode "Every time I talk to people now I feel violent and full of rage. Some of the time it's not even their fault, I'm just being chipped away at. CONSTANTLY.

    I'm genuinely scared I'm going to lose my shit and break someone's neck, or my own."

    That sounds so exhausting man. Maybe you need medical attention.

    Did you know euthanasia was legal in switzerland?
  • 5
    @DucksCanCode come on daddy stab me.

    Where should we meet? I pass through london regularly
  • 4
    @DucksCanCode my gf is an immigrant too are you gonna break her neck you fucking scum?

    Kill yourself bro. We know you're in the demographic anyway.
  • 0
    @DucksCanCode come on mate Im in London now I'm around king x. Come and get me
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