
It's quite awesome how some people can make you realize how much you actually know about some stuff and how skilled you are on a certain subject.

Shoutout to @404response for making me realize that i actually know quite some stuff about security/privacy and also a shoutout to @devisionbyzero for making me realize that I'm actually quite good with linux/linux servers :).

Thanks guys!

  • 5
    @404response @divisionbyzero
  • 9
    So true!
    I recognized the same since I have a trainee :)
  • 3
    My boss says I'm good but I'm still not sure...
  • 5
    Haha no problem. It is a nice trade, you teach me things about Linux and privacy and in return you feel good for doing so.

    Thank you :)
  • 4
    @7root It is, no kidding about it 😉
  • 2
    You ever go: I don't see what's so hard about it... Everyone else should be able to do this...

    Pretty much me in performance reviews: your impressed I did ... but this was pretty easy...

    It's also why I'm on devRant calling ppl monkeys I guess
  • 2
    @linuxxx We just think cause we know it everybody else should also. The first time on anything when you realize you know more is always pretty cool. Well unless it's just sad.

    I had the sad version yesterday when i got my mom out of the nursing home for a few days. The nurses up there told her that an android tablet couldn't be used for calling. Guess who was wrong(not me), i told my mom to tell them its $50 to setup any of there's that way
  • 7
    For me a shout out to everyone here specially:

    I'm sorry if I forgot others but you guys were like my new SO/Wikipedia learned a lot from ya 😀
  • 6
    Awww, thank you. You guys are pretty awesome and help me becoming better a lot!
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  • 6
    Oh, come on, man...
    We all know that you are one of the first guys to mention in a comment when we have questions about privacy @linuxxx
  • 3
    Never worry about how much you know compared to someone else. Just worry about how much you know compared to how much you knew 10 years ago. Just be a better you. That’s all that matters.
  • 4
    @gitpush aw u make me blush
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