
The most productive way of development is going slow and don't make a lot mistakes. Lately, I'm doing the opposite. It's often not your skills or knowledge but just your patience / expectation to be managed. Since I switched from C to Python I got the mindset that everything should be possible to make in short time with low effort. Being used to do a lot of effort because of C development gave me a lot of patience and upgraded me to be a better dev at any language. But sadly, I notice it's a skill you can lose. How to retrain my patience. Doing a lot of C again. But I want to have the patience NOW (retoor said impatiently). What a paradoxale dilemma shit. You have to do patient stuff to be become patient whey really sucks and sucks if you became inpatient.

Very underrated skill that actually says a lot about you as programmer: patience.

With enough patience you can master anything. Without it, you're depending on tools that allow you to. That's OK, but there's always some price to be paid. Many time it's the ignorance not knowing how the tools work and thus how it actually works. Some people can live with that, others don't. Knowing how somethings works is relative anyway. Do you know how it works until the language level? Kernel level? Framework level? Everyone chooses themselves what the limit is I guess. My limit is the C api / kernel interface.

Random thoughts. I'm just bit frustrating performing low lately and speculating about what to do about it. I just don't have a different hobby than programming. Doing something else for a while to give brain a rest would be best but it should be something raising dopemine. TV / gaming doesn't do that for me.

Sigh, how to do absolutely nothing. I did it for a 1,5 year full time but that was because of medication. Now it's impossible.

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    Wow, bigger story than I thought. I'm a living LLM but way cheaper and less good in English. I'm a alibaba llm. (qwen is theirs right? It's one of the better ones actually in certain views).
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    @retoor I'd say your english is pretty gooda. There are a couple of dopamine hobbies I can think of, but it really depends on the person. Do you like being outside? (I know it's cold right now)

    Also for the patience thing, it could also very well be that you have adopted the expectations from working with a high level lang and projecting it on other langs (e.g. making an api python is super easy, in C not so much). It's something I noticed as well, and having re-adjusted my expectations it helps quite a bit.

    Are you making sure you're getting enough sleep btw? If you're tired/fatigued, it can shorten your patience quite a bit as well
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    some people are too patient for their own good. the skill that defines me as a person is sensing how things _should_ be, even in absence of examples.

    Having no knowledge of polyamorous relationships even existing, at the age of eight, I realized that monogamy was wrong. Then, with the entire world being turned into React zombies, I sensed that this was not the way to do things. I've never seen examples that confirmed what I believed in, yet I persevered and got out of that cult.

    Extreme patience would've been my ideas' kryptonite. “No, things are as they should be, just be more patient in dealing with this BS”…

    Why automate things at all if you're patient enough to run them by hand every time? Why optimize UI performance/demand UIs to be good if you're patient enough to use laggy UIs? Too much patience is the enemy of efficiency and optimization.

    I'm not saying patience is a trait to get rid of, I'm saying that too much of everything is always bad.
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    @BordedDev no I barely sleep but that's normal for me. But now coding leds to less results and less results to less dopemine I notice how tired I actually am. Normally don't really notice it. Keep going.

    I did walk a hour a day but that's not enough break. Need a hobby I can do often a whole day and produces dopemine. What hobbies do you have in mind? Don't say gym 😂

    But yes, maybe lacking TOO much sleep lately makes me impatient.
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    > Having no knowledge of polyamorous relationships even existing, at the age of eight, I realized that monogamy was wrong

    Funnily enough, I had the opposite realization. It is not the "natural order" of things, but it is the systemic culture humans have adopted for the betterment of society as a whole. I did some research on it, and there are a couple of reasons why monogamy is the standard. If you want to look at examples of poly- you might want to look at the middle east/north africa. I can give you some of the history if you're interested (also not trying to convince you otherwise, it's just an interesting topic), just @ me
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    @kiki if monogamy is wrong is pure an opinion. Not a fact at all.

    The people who need the feature are impatient. That's fine, the programmer can stay patient, it's normally not for himself. Lazy news != impatient. Being lazy can be a drive to do automate smth indeed but you can write something patiently vecause you're lazy about smth.

    Most people are too patient with too many things in life. But for coding I would say it's a real good thing. Software development doesn't have to go that fast. We should stop focus on that. Quick typing and trial on error isn't an art. Also, if you program _many_ hours it's better for your stamina. Doing things at once right or later is something I often struggle with. Many times afterwards I wish I did stuff in one time right but if I did that, maybe the app wouldn't be completed. And completion is still most import. If app doesn't work, the quality value doesn't matter imho. Quality / speed are factors you fine-tune your whole life.
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    @retoor Fuck the gym, want to make me cranky and short-tempered, make me go to the gym.

    When you're out on a walk, is there anything you like looking at? I'm a big fan of architecture and will go explore a city. As for nature, I can appreciate it, but it won't get me out the house.

    Audiobooks/Reading/Donald Ducks? If you need something to occupy you, what are your habits when you aren't allowed/able to do anything, do you fidget with your hands, zone out, daydream about code? Would you put down a book if you're in the middle of it to go code on a whim?

    How much energy do you want to invest in the hobby? I like scuba diving, but I don't do it often.

    Often, the easiest way for me to break away from "computer stuff" is to go somewhere in person out of the house (but I tend not to enjoy doing that). Or at the very least out of the room with the computer/displays.

    You could also try the Dutch's favourite hobby cleaning ;P
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    @BordedDev that's racist! But indeed, my house is already completely clean and it's made to never have something on table or so that I don't use. No garbage here. I'm too Dutch to function.

    I don't look around when I walk around here in middle of nowhere. Instead of that. I get stared at by bbc. Big black cows.

    I don't want to invest energy at all, I want to gain energy trough my hobby. Programming is ultimate hobby bevause it's not tirering for body while producing a lot of dopemine. Can't imagine smth else than that. Sex, but that doesn't last.

    I don't fidget, I do read Donald duck indeed. Daydreaming about code a lot. When I'm working on an interpreter daydreaming is the one of the best parts. Reading goes fine I have quite some programming books. Most 50% or more read. The contents overlap so much. I actually do the assignments. Damn, shoulsve added those to molodetz if I still had them. I lost all my past projects. Sad. But I already have around 50 again at molodetz.
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    @BordedDev you would not think it based on the major content but Molodetz is not even three months old :p it contains hundreds of recently made hours of work (including private repos).

    Have you seen gogs? It seems that gitea (molodetz) is based on it. It's a even lighter version of gitea and in the same way so highly customizable. Molodetz is a big customization of gitea. The source is at molodetz itself. Gogs is the ultimate platform to base an online life portfolio of. Less work than I did. https://gogs.molodetz.nl (will not do smth with it, I just wanted to investigate it after mention of devrant user).
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    > Sex, but that doesn't last.

    If you're cooming for dopamine all day, you'd need assistance + after the 20th orgasm in a row, you'll likely pass out (I guess you could count that as catching up on sleep).

    I've attached an image of the BBCs we were staring at when we first got here (I wonder if devrant can handle a 40mb image 😅, nope didn't like it, 12mb? nope)

    I haven't heard of gogs, I might use it with the inevitable NAS.

    Sounds to me like you're inundated with code wherever you go. Dopamine, at the end of the day, comes from whatever you feel to be an achievement. If reading is fine, I'd look up some side topics you find interesting, e.g. history or philosophy. Although, I'd probably recommend "the design of everyday things" or something that can stretch your mind in someone way, some mystery maybe? Do you read comics/manga (other than Donald Duck)?
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    @retoor Also did I remember right that you have a guitar to play, why not try it with a copy of rocksmith?
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    my dopamine is music (to which I dance, usually on drugs while doing other activities), gambling (very strong but maybe not the best habit for everybody)

    fighting on the Internet I guess, before I got sick

    some good games can give you lots of dopamine. like if they are difficult or have competition, if they feel "unfair" then I get hyper focused and obsessed

    ... also ye I take vacations where I binge watch a TV show for multiple days and sleep very little, sometimes drugs involved. I guess books can be capturing but it's very rare

    ... umm I'd go around and find new communities or sus websites and explore them, and that can be fun for a few hours too I guess. cuz it's new things and that gives me dopamine and gets me interested

    playing Minecraft. evidently everybody with ADHD into that
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    @BordedDev did I say I have a guitar to play? Not having one here, it's at parents house. I can only play my bunny is over the ocean and done blues / smoke on water. My music career was short, I just didn't have talent. Very sad because my dad is a music teacher on the side for harmonica, steier, accordeon, keyboard and piano. What's rocksmit?
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    @jestdotty I am unable to find other communities that I like besides devrant. Everything is political. Devrant has kinda as only rule no politics.
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    @BordedDev no, only read Donald duck. There's something very comforting about it. But not daisy duck. She is a goose fucking slut. I just know that goofy is a dog since a few years. Who draws a dog like that, especially in contrast to pluto, mickeys dog.
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    @retoor I have a faint memory of you replying in a rant that was talking about guitars.

    It's a "game" like guitar hero, but you can use an actual (electric) guitar, comes with video lessons and exercises as well. https://store.steampowered.com/app/... (I wouldn't give ubisoft money and play it from alternative sources 😉)

    You know more songs than I do, for me, it's nice to force my headspace to concentrate on the notes/hands rather than what the latest idiotic take from work is. I haven't had the chance to play for a while now though :(

    Donald Ducks were my comfort as well until I moved, and they were difficult to get, I still have all of my old ones. And yeah, the Goofy/Pluto thing has been a running "huh" thing for most people, there are some crazy theories out there

    I'll second the difficulty on finding other communities
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    @BordedDev I think i know less songs than you do, especially regarding new music. I'm not so developed regarding that area. I'm listening the same music for months. Some for years last half year nightcore Playlists and there is not that much night core so a lot repeat.
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    It's rare that I find music I like post 2013 (unless they're artists who are still making music, like Within Temptation). I've also started to hate streaming services since they all without fail will create a music "loop" just playing the 20 same songs over and over again. Finding new music is great, but I don't go looking for it, that what I use the streaming service's auto-suggest for which stopped working a couple of years ago.

    I can't play any guitar songs unless I have a guide in front of me (I can barely read tab), I have memorized 0 songs.

    Every now and then I pull up a nightcore playlist on YouTube, and you're right, it's either not really nightcore or it's older songs. It's rare that I have the time to listen to music, atm. You might like Geoxor.

    When I'm in the zone, and I can play some high BPM music to kick it to second gear, if I'm not in the zone, it will give me a headache (e.g. DJ technorch)
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