
"You're gonna lose. BUG TIME"

  • 109
    I suppose you've gotten rid of the BUG xD
  • 112
    What a charming person. Real heartwarming
  • 81
    What an asshole. I feel terrible for the poor dev who ends up making that website.
  • 51
    Such opportunity, such millions of $$$... 🤑
  • 64
    >free to visit

    >million dollar idea

    So what I took from this is that his project is free to visit but you have to pay to actually use it. His argument is invalid haha.
  • 15
    Fucking cunts
  • 24
    Asshole AND doesn't want to pay for people's labour? Fuck, that dimwit might actually have a million dollar idea
  • 61
    Ahh you're one of these asshole developers that have rates and provides estimates. What are horrible person you are.
  • 7
    Everyone has a million dollar idea. Its implementing that shit that matters. Tell him to go to hell with his rusty ass idea. Dammit
  • 21
    He called you a kid but I caAen't tell if he's an adult or not from his responses. It's like he's throwing a tantrum 🤔
  • 7
  • 37
    Can we have a "no-develop"-list? That's a list of people for which you shouldn't develop software/websites etc. With that behaviour you definitely land on that list.
  • 19
    Dude FUCK THAT COCK SUCKING FUCK! I’m pissed. I’m sorry, you don’t deserve that shit and entitled fucks like this deserve to have their ass’ handed to them.

    WE don’t OWE YOU shit! How do you get by in life thinking that anyone owes you anything?!

    I’m furious. I want his name, number, address... I want to send exotic animal shit to his doorstep like I did Westborough Baptist Church.

    Stupid fucking spitfuck. I hope he invest his life earnings into whatever stupid idea he has and loses it all.
  • 3
  • 21
    Yep this is the initial conversation Mark Zuckerberg had when creating Facebook
  • 3
    where is the "angry reaction" button ? ...
  • 5
    You can't cure stupidity haha.
  • 1
    @lp150189 its called Russian Roulette
  • 2
    He's a real niceguy but tech
  • 9
    Thanks for the eye cancer 😩
  • 3
    Technically YouTube and Facebook are free to visit and are billion dollars ideas..... So your argument is invalid
    Even Google search is free to use.... Are you new to the internet?
  • 0
    Admin kicked the red from chat
  • 4
    That actually hurt... there are so many people who think like that.
  • 0
    the website wouldn't be free to visit

  • 2
    @tkore i guess the website should be free to visit in the same way facebook and google and every social network are free to visit.
    The webdesigner propably would get a share of the money the website makes. But we all know there never will be any money.
  • 2
    Invalid arguments
  • 1
    @tkore maybe not a social network, but for sure something that lost its magic after one week.
    You'll always think better of your own ideas than of the ideas of others, but to believe so greatly in your own idea is a special kind of stupidity. Those people don't belong near a computer, they belong in management, finance sector or politics.
  • 2
    @tkore always make sure to learn some psychology basics. Because until AI is smart enough every decision will still be made by that fleshy irrational and borderline stupid thing in front of the computer.
  • 6
    Please doxx! This guy needs to be pitched and denied in rapid succession.
  • 5
    Tell the douche to build it themselves.
  • 1
    did he seriously think the internet is really "free"?
  • 0
    "Best of luck, old man!"
  • 1
    tell him "good luck finding one"
  • 4
    @Djanjo The point was on expecting big income yet refusing to pay for the design work. So yeah, the guy's point is still not valid.
  • 2
    Its a Troll for sure
  • 5
    @YouAreAPIRate that no-develop list idea is great, working on it right away
  • 3
    @D3add3d Let us know when it's up?
  • 1
    I see someone like this, I run away. Really quick
  • 1
    I think you just lost the White House as a business partner...
  • 1
    @TheLazyDev they thought of that already. Called it slavery.
  • 3
    Free business? XD
  • 1
    @Michelle compared to the average of the other comments you are always super polite! Kudos!
  • 2
    Thank you. :)
  • 1
    Shut up and take my fame!
    *loads of fame*
  • 1
    The guy with the red dots on the left is a dickface
  • 4
    @D3add3d how's the no-develop-list coming forward? Or did it suffer a terrible case of side-project?
  • 2
    @YouAreAPIRate I am currently busy studying for maturita exams (google/ddg "maturita wiki") so it is currently on-hold along with my other projects
  • 0
    Wtf is up with this guys mind? First he says, no payment due to free visiting. At the end he says he misses out on million dollar idea?!?!!
  • 1
    I favorited this because every fuck head out there claims their idea is a multi million dollar idea.
  • 1
    Wow i will not be capable of handling this shit like you did
  • 2
    "I'm not going to pay for a website that can be visited for free"

    "... My million dollar idea..."

    Wow what a brick how can you expect a stranger to work countless hours on your website for free?
  • 2
    You guys are not seeing the BIG PICTURE. You will all fail BUG TIME :P
  • 0
    He isn't willing to spend money because he does not believe a free to use website generates money
    - but it's a million dollar idea
  • 4
    On the bright side, you managed to avoid making a website for Trump.
  • 2
  • 1
    @bvirus I mean you think this “client” went around just trolling one dev lol
  • 1
    @jeeper or the pic is just copied
  • 0
    *Wants to make a million dollars*
    *Won't design his or her own website*
  • 1
    @Djanjo nothing is free you are just the product being sold. Somebody is paying for these things to exist
  • 0
    I dont get the part where he wont pay but saying that the dev would lose his business ? How is it a business when you arent paying anything ?
  • 1
    Someone should really do that job and after he advertises the website throughout .. change all the content to a picture showing middle finger to those who visit... thereby ruining his 'business'
  • 1
    @AnonyOps hahahhahhhahaha the best comment so far!
  • 1
    @Testa666 thank you, thank you
  • 2
    I saw this on Reddit like a year ago
  • 1
    This was reviewed on SorrowTV. Love his YT channel!
  • 1
    Just tell him to go to heek.com and talk to a chatbot. Let the chatbot feed his ego. That way we won't be missing his sorry ass.
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