Anybody else physically write notes when studying a new programming language? I do it because it really helps solidify the information in my brain and also makes for good reference.

  • 6
    I used to but I got tired of not being able to read my own hand writing. If I need to solidify my memory through note taking, I just type the notes these days.
  • 4
    Me! It does wonders for memorization. But my notes are all scattered in different journals and backs of my calc homework
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    @jhh2450 Lol, I get that. I've noticed my first few pages are very easy to read and as I progressed, I guess my patience declined because it got pretty bad xD But it still helps me remember things better.
  • 2
    I just open a new OneNote notebook section for every new programming language where I just quickly paste everything new and important, so it's easy for me to look things up later.
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    I like to take a stack of 2”x2” cards and put the different logical blocks of what I’m working on on them so I can do some free-form flowcharting while working out logic for things. Also have some desk-sized pads of paper I use as well, especially if I want to refer to it later.
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    I still do that quite a lot actually and it works perfectly fine for me.
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    I do that with terminal programs and their params
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    Basically the same concept behind rubber duck debugging. If you can explain it simply, you understand it.

    Yes, I do it. Especially to explain my code. White board works even better for explaining to a team.
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