
Am I the only one not liking noise canceling at all? Don't like the whole concept.

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    Come sit next to me with the construction going on and tell me that again ;P
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    I like noise canceling. I don't want to hear the person in front, behind or next to me sipping his/her coffee, constantly opening biscuit packaging, clicking with pens, stapling paper for hours...
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    It feels a bit weird but you get used to it, and if the person at the next desk enjoys a good phone-shouting session it really takes the edge off.
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    not noise-cancelling and not headphones, but I use 3M Peltor Bull's Eye I earmuffs. Doesn't cancel all noise, but most annoying noise and is relatively comfortable. The cushioning is nice.
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    Active noise cancelling is capitalism's way to tell you to shut up and pay for a non-scalable personalized solution instead of demanding a proper, scalable and free one. Why regulate noise levels when you can sell ANC? Soon, ANC will be sold as a service for $9.99/mo. You can mark my words.
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    @iiii i don't like the idea to be disconnected from the world at all. Same for VR. It doesn't feel right. The world is there, and it can't be a good idea to completely ignore it.
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    @kiki As annoying as the phone-shouting sessions are, I'd rather they weren't "regulated".
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    @donkulator easy! Your bosses' personal office will be turned into eight (yes, that's how big it is) shouting rooms with sound insulation. Your boss will be relocated to the same open space where every other employee works. Then, at the same open space there will be a db meter like what they have in libraries. If you want to have a shouting match, wait your turn on the shouting room. You can still shout, we won't prohibit that and take away your freedom, we'll just make sure that your freedom doesn't come at the expense of everyone else's.

    Next year, the open space will be turned into personal offices for every employee. Your boss will get the office of the same size as everyone else.

    Happy employees = better revenue long term. Stressed employees = better revenue short term.
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    @donkulator those who dislike that are free to move to The Land Of The Free™, where they're Free™ to buy an ANC headset, Free™ to wear it at all times to be Free™ from noise. Otherwise, they're Free™ to suffer.
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    @kiki Thinking about it, I agree, fuck open plan

    @retoor what about partial noise cancellation/or just noise reduction?
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    @BordedDev partial noise reduction is just a regular headphone and i'm in favor of them. Also, i do actually like open floor, as long if it's just a bunch of desks and not cubicles. If you work in a cubicle, oh oh oh. That's not how life is supposed to be.
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    @retoor Ever worked on a single long desk with ~8 people? (with 5 rows of those desks?)

    Still the most fun people I've played D&D with
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    @BordedDev yes! I did! 😁 But only devs and no phones on desk. Only last row had, operational department.
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    My last company was open plan too but no cubicles. Us devs had no phones on desk, and the noise cancelling headphones were provided by the company.

    The boss also stayed on a shared desk like everyone else.
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    I wish there was a better way. It would have saved me about $600 in the last 5 years.

    My office is on an incredibly loud road that would be impossible to work in if I didn't have some kind of quiet.

    Complaining to the police about illegally loud car modifications and speeding only leads to them threatening to arrest you so there's no help coming from the ones that are supposed to prevent it.
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    Hmm, I have the answer to my question it seems, i'm the only one not liking it.
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    @retoor you're not alone. I've never tried them, because I too find the idea unsettling.
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    - said the queen of drugs -

    [the disconnected-from-the-world comment]

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    noise cancelling headphones somehow cancel out my tinnitus... so can bring relief

    tinnitus that I got from the COVID mRNA vaccine btw. just wanted to throw that in there. always took great care of my ears before then and never had tinnitus. now it never stops. RIP existence
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    @jestdotty What does ear care involve, out of curiosity?
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    @donkulator not loud noises or extended noises

    uhh don't poke foreign objects in your ear drums either I guess

    I've always loved music tho so I took care of my ears. now all I hear is fucking TINNITUS
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    @netikras I experience the world extra intense young man :P I do uppers, no downers :P Also, i prefer princess.

    Sigh, i can delete my account soon again tho :P
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    @int32 did you ever try VR? What about that? Both tech is impressive to me, but the reality is not like the fantasy for me.
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    @retoor why delete?
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    @netikras I do everytime when i've said too much bad stuff :P I will just rename this user and make a new retoor like i did the previous time :P
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    @retoor It won't change anything... It's next to impossible to find anything on this platform anyway, so if you've said smth and someone read it -- it's stuck in their heads.

    anyone hardly ever spends their time searching this platform for a particular post or comment just to say "see? Right there you said that you like big butts" AND YOU CANNOT LIE!!

    If you posted it -- it's out there. Delete all you like, not gonna change much :)
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    @netikras Google or duck duck go seems to cache some of my posts as pictures of devrant

    tbf I didn't really follow them to find out how that happened

    annnd I re-use this username. it's an actual identity

    honestly when I got sick I stopped caring. I had dementia so I wouldn't be able to keep track of what I said or planned for an identity so my whole life spiraled out of control anyway. not dying was more important than being politically correct
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    @netikras I had a colleague check on me here because of stories I was telling him about... someone on here... and found their and my profile in 15 minutes - I don't use this username anywhere else but I had told them about dR before I stopped just lurking
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    @netikras nah, molodetz is attached to this name :P That's why i want to change the username :P
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    @retoor Briefly had an open space at 1st job. I'm still haunted by floating heads above partitions when people would pass my cubicle.
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    @retoor Tried VR, a climbing game and Elite Dangerous. I liked the climbing game, but it didn't feel nice afterwards.
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