How did they manage to make OneDrive such a steaming, heaving, suppurating pile of pigshit?

  • 4
    A nas at home and one at parents house is the best backup solution in the world.
  • 2
    @retoor Expensive though, unless you use chinesium components that randomly die on you.
  • 3
    @donkulator I currently have all my storage on one external 4tb hdd. The other backup was a SD card but it died. I have all my stuff stored at home. I would only trust an internet service that I've built myself.
  • 8
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    @donkulator Just use it as an excuse to upgrade your workstation and use the old parts as your server :D
  • 3
    @12bitfloat correction: Microshit
  • 1
    Microsoft bought into deferred operations a little too hard I think, at least my defining experience with all their products from Teams to Visual Studio is waiting 30 seconds after the relevant resource usage dropped for a spinner to be replaced with a result that's incorrect because the data change it was supposed to react to hadn't been fetched yet when the task was started.
  • 0
    @donkulator Losing 30 years of work would be even more expensive.
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