Stop calling non-engineers engineers.

  • 5
    Which professional engineering organisation are you a fellow of?
  • 5
    Meh, what is an engineer. Someone that did do an official education?
  • 5
    Vibe engineers
  • 3
    @retoor someone that's a member of an accredited engineering organization is an engineer.

    Like the CSPE for instance, or whatever other countries have
  • 2
    @lungdart how do you get accredited?
  • 3
    as a javascript engineer, I resent that
  • 3

    be academically qualified
    have obtained sufficient acceptable engineering work experience in area of qualification
    be competent in the English Language
    be of good character
    demonstrate an understanding of professional practice and ethics issues

    For the academically qualified bit, you'll need an undergraduate degree, but those are obtainable with work experience and an assessment I believe
  • 5
    @lungdart being competent in the English language, omg. But also, I don't agree on al others either. That's the thing, accredation is a personal thing. So, once a friend told me about accredited news company. Started to laugh.
  • 3
    @retoor That is the official measure, yes. There are various types of engineers, but they should have the degree stating so at the very least. Not to forget that that education comes with heavy mathematics and science the person went through to earn the title.
  • 6
    Back in the day, I was supposed to rote-learn all these lists of shit so that I could pass a bunch of exams and call myself a fellow of whatever institute of blah blah.

    The trouble was, it bored the arse off me, so I never got round to it.

    The people who memorised those lists and got the certificate - some of them are smart, some of them are idiots. The correlation between having that ticket and actually understanding stuff, is basically zero.

    But having the ticket does at least prove that you're willing to do hundreds of hours of pointless drudge work so long as that's what everyone else is doing. So the correlation with being able to solve problems that other people have failed to solve is strongly negative.
  • 2
    ... you literally have to be accepted by a secret society and given a ring and then the government officially gives you a paper or something saying you're an engineer

    also I think there are yearly dues or something

    but I am annoyed that job posts say they want an "engineer". technically it would be illegal then for them to hire anyone not accredited (and anyone hired can be sued for fraud because they give you said title... which you have no control over because they're the ones giving you it)... and you can get 7 different computer science degrees in my big city, and only one of them makes you an engineer and it's the one basically no one goes through because it has no applicable specialty so you won't look good to jobs because you're a generalist instead of a "web dev" or a "application dev"
  • 2
    As someone who maintains and/or builds steam engines, fuck all you needs for appropriating my title!!

    Seriously though, people being pretentious about titles is so gay
  • 3
    vibe engineers
  • 1
    @retoor this was a Canadian requirement for an English province.

    Likely French in a French province, and either in New Brunswick.
  • 1
    yeah. stop calling javascript-developers developers.
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