Sitting in a germans-only company on a germans-only talk, listening to german presenters trying to speak english.
"...And sis is a Integräitontest, witsch is verry important [...] sis here is my sird maven plugin..." schnitzel.

Why for god sake do you funky hip devs mean you have to speak english to me?! Especially if you are simply not able to?

Some of my favorites:
My english is not se yellow from se egg but I hope you understand me.
Sänk ju for trävveling wis deutsche bahn.

Someone has similiar sentences?

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    @Alice Das Schnitzel schmeckt nach Streichholzschächtelchen!
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    @Alice it would be better if you spoke ostfriesisch, then nobody would understand you.
  • 1
    @Alice common, you live in ostfriesland.
  • 4
    Oh, you have to search on YouTube for a speech by Günther Öttinger :D

    "In my homeländ, Baden-Württemberg we are all sitting in ONE BOAT"
    "Wi haw se umbrella of se Uropinean Unien"
  • 3
    My pronunciation is pretty shitty and I dislike myself for it. I am well experienced in using English, but I don't have any English friend to talk to.. and I'm shy.

    At least I try to better myself.
  • 2
    @cave Same here. While many of my friends at least are watching series on english, I mostly read and write. So my pronounciation is almost crappy shit... But hey, everything's fine.
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    @Alice Does your English sound like this? 😂
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    Try being part of a SCRUM call where half the team is conversing in Hindi and you are one of 3 on-shore devs sitting there confused.
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    @arjaycodes have a meeting once a week with sone indish people. Know what u r talking of
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    @Alice on my next talk I will say exactly this and check what the audience does... Laughed my ass of.
  • 1
    With me is not good cherry eating
    I think I spider
    My lovely Mr singing club
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    Take ze second outdrive of ze circlesex
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    Here goes the mail off!
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    @Alice that turned me 1
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    "that is a different cookie" - a Dutch trainer trying to use Dutch expressions directly translated in English. I know context is missing here, but still. Don't directly translate expressions 1 to 1
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    "that is a different cookie" - a Dutch trainer trying to use Dutch expressions directly translated in English. I know context is missing here, but still. Don't directly translate expressions 1 to 1
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    I think my pig whistles! My english not the yellow from the egg but it goes. My lovely Mr Singing Club!
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    "I only understand mainstation" - " Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof"

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