
Designing email templates is the worst thing that a human being can possibly do, I guess.

  • 5
    You could be designing website templates for Wix, I guess.

    "Here's one for people wishing to sell rabbit-shaped egg covers."

    "Here's one for people who want to tell the world their tedious life story---including details of their Starbucks orders."

    That would be pretty poor.

    At least you get to use words like "viagra" and "My Nigerian grandfather won the lottery before he died..."
  • 0
    Gosh, that's actually worse..
  • 2
    If you can swap project change the company, I've done that shit and I would never go back
  • 1
    I feel your pain mate, it sucks major balls 😫
  • 3
    It's amazing how fucking awful the email rendering engines are

    Outlook uses fucking Word to render html
  • 2
    It's really annoying that you can't use absolute/relative positioning, pseudo elements, in some email clients you cant even use fucking margin. I mean wtf.
  • 1
    And if you want a button you need three versions in html and vml with conditional comments to separate the vml and using a style block rule to hide the second, because style blocks are ignored in some render engines and they don't all support conditional comments

    God I'm glad I'm not doing email templates anymore
  • 0
    Worse of worse
  • 0
    Man that's my task for monday 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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