
I don’t usually recommend movies to a lot of people, but if you like going to the movies, I highly, highly recommend you see “Searching”. Its wide release in the U.S. is today and it will be out internationally soon I think.

It’s probably the best thriller movie I’ve ever seen, and the best movie I’ve seen in last few years, and I see a lot of them. The tech in it is awesome, and how the movie is presented will bring back tech memories and it really is a trip down memory lane. The movie has a bit of everything. An awesome story, awesome suspense, and great use of technology and social media.

10/10, definitely see it!

  • 10
    Also Tron:Legacy
  • 3
    Trailer looks amazing
  • 10
    Does this pay the devrant bills? 😏 jokes aside looks interesting, but with all the effects in the trailer I hope the movie actually can deliver, as I have been baited too many times before.
  • 2
    ok watched the trailer. Looks cool but i have the suspicion that this movie is somewhat like Shutter Island? So the dad is insane and he never had a daughter? 😄
  • 7
    @Gerrymandered @Paramite haven’t seen them, will add them to my list.

    @TheOct0 it definitely lives up to it.

    @Jilano if you see it let me know what you think :)

    @JoshBent haha no pay here, I just posted it because I wanted to. I can say, I really think it delivers. I actually think it deliveries beyond what the trailer would make it seem. The format is very cool and for people into tech it’s even cooler and there’s lots of geeky Easter eggs.
  • 4
    @heyheni I’m not going to give any spoilers, but I wouldn’t say it’s anything like Shutter Island.
  • 3
    @dfox nice! thank you!
    now i have 20 days to wait until it'll released in the swiss cinemas. Can't wait. 👍
  • 3
    Wait.... I'm still working... How come your watching a movie?
  • 4
    @billgates I saw it last Friday :) Am still working too.
  • 3
    @dfox so you got into a pre-screening? Actually I went to one for The Karate Kids back in my college days, got to see Jackie Chan and Will Smith
  • 4
    @billgates that’s awesome! The movie had a very limited public release last week. Usually when a movie gets a limited release in U.S., it goes to about 9 theaters mainly in Cali and NY. Lucky for us, the Lincoln Square AMC in NYC is usually one of those, so I definitely recommend you check their selections if you’re ever looking for that. It’s a great theater in general. Has the biggest imax screen in North America too.
  • 1
    Also: Klondike
  • 1
    @S-Homles-MD The title reeks of shit already ("unfriended")
  • 1
    @S-Homles-MD nothing like unfriended
  • 1
    So now I have to wait till it shows up on Terrarium :3
  • 1
    @kkdev @kalex
    Some good movie recommendations in the comments. Watch them.
  • 1
    Is it releasing in India?
  • 2
    Lol, yeah I did long time ago,
    Actually director is Indian origin guy, and it was quite trending abt this guy and movie.
    I couldn't find release date only !
    U said u might watch, hence I thought u knew
  • 2
    @Nawap isn't india limiting the amount of foreign movies screened in the cinemas because of the "made in india" policy? That's the reason only The Fast and the Furious and Transformers that sort of crap gets released in indian cinemas, isn't it?
  • 1
    @dfox i'm really tired it's 3:30 here and i have a suggestion: long press on the filters of content that you want to see, ex if i long press on joke/meme it will turn joke/meme on and the rest off
  • 2
    I don't think so it's mostly because of Make In India!
    See, we have a very strict censorship where kissing also not allowed, so when some good movies has to released all these major scenes get cut, eventually leading nothing !
    And second if u see on business wise it's low, due to less audience who wants to watch these movies , leading to huge loss, except if movie way popular like ff, star wars, marvel movie etc..
  • 2
    Some movies really go under the radar - one such is Predestination. Nice Sci-Fi if you are into that
  • 0
    @themissingbrace oh another mindfuck-timetravel fan 😬 hi5
  • 0
  • 1
    'Primer' and 'Upstream Color' by Shane Carruth
  • 2
    Just watched it... Woof... Very intense
  • 1
    @Jilano no problem, glad you enjoyed!

    And definitely a cool format. They really pulled it off I think.
  • 0
    Looks a lot like Unfriended. Will definitely go see it.
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