
My worst nightmare is microsoft take over linux development. And well it actually happened.

  • 6
    Source or it didn't happen!
  • 7
    The recent shit with the CoC and Torvalds
  • 3
    Solution seems quite simple.. Fork it and create your own. That's what open source is there, right? (at least partially)
  • 8
    What? Please explain, I know the Torvalds stuff but why do you say it's Microsoft that took over Linux dev?
  • 1
  • 4
    Erm please explain.
    I know Azure has Linux in to some extent, and the Azure Sphere OS is a MS kernel. But what are you on about?
  • 5
    @C0D4 trolling. There's nothing new on the topic. MS is lobbying and sponsoring (I hope, it might be bribe) some OSS and it might be abused if capitalism and common greed took over... But, this is where it gets complicated for me, giving a moment of thought, I'm afraid I could play devils advocate too much.
  • 1
    Yeah they also fucked up github so hard. like you guys predicted. Literally unusable now am i right? :^)
  • 0
    Yeeea no. We still don't trust 'em so they couldn't do that even if they wanted do. A takeover by VMWare is more likely(and more welcome).

    And I would rather have Linux driven by pure capitalistic greed than by SJWs. The CoC change and postmeritocracy.org really annoy me.
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