WTF Oracle! Now we need to sign up to download Java

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    10minutemail is your friend
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    Doesnt look like the download page to me
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    Why would you download Java?
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    @SukMikeHok don't you think your answer is pretty offensive??🐸🐸

    I think I would like devrant without moderator but I think your account is made for offensive comments / hatespeech to others

    At devrant people used to talk about their problems and some joy (anonymously), not to be hated by you.
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    @canonbolt I don't personally find that offensive. It's just a humorous way to notice the crammed scaling of the UI. If some person's properties were targeted, that tone would be offensive. But here the target is not a person but a screen.
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    @electrineer but the reason for that UI might be the persons properties.
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    @dfoianu I need it for an old project at work
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    get an OpenJDK build, it's free. and will always be
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    @SukMikeHok either you or someone else also thinks its not wise tonpost whatever you posted because Im not seeing another comment of you in this thread.
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    so offending someone is good and when someone points that and now that person is pussy according to you, right?? Go to school kid

    It is all cool until you use your shit lang. to others and when someone points that you gotta pain WTF, now think what if all uses that kinda language to you.

    And patience is the thing you need deal with rough life.🐸🐸
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    @dfox I rest my case here.

    Kindly observe many as possible comments made by @SukMikehok period.
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    @Codex404 I still find that irrelevant unless the person has an unhealthy emotional bond to their phone.
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    Use chocolatey if you're on windows, and your respective package manager if on Linux. Easy does it.
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    @electrineer what about blind people?
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    @SukMikeHok hmm weird, I still don't see it
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    @Codex404 that's a valid point, but I'm not sure if I'd still call it offensive. It just doesn't take every perspective into account, so it's just narrow-minded. But how much of our thinking is not narrow-minded in some way? Not much, I don't think. It's just that you have to read with the writers perspective and intents in mind. And whenever it's important, broaden the other person's perspective.

    As for disappearing comments, I never see double-digit negative numbers on devRant. So they may be automatically hidden after some point. If that's the case, sounds like a vulnerability for censorship to me.
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    @electrineer and yes, my last comment went far beyond what happened in this thread
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    @electrineer I've told him because I've seen his this type comment 2-3 time ago so this doesn't look narrow minded.
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    @electrineer I've never seen what he said, until he screenshotted it, I'm not sure if I find it offensive, because he just commented on the resolution.
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    @electrineer as for dissapearing messages, this is the first time I have proof but I've seen it regularly.
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    @recursiveAndrew go for open JDK, no need to sign in, and oracle can't fine you for using their commercial products without a licence
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    Have you been living under a rock for the past few months? It was kinda obvious that something like that was going to happen
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    Necessary for downloading JDBC since like forever -.-
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