
I'm wondering, what's you guys/gals/linux kernels/however you identify yourself 'superpower'?

I think that nearly everyone has something which can be extremely useful (maybe not healthy) and which not many other people you know have.

In my case it's that i can manage with extremely variable sleep patterns and when needed, I can sleep very short for days in a row (3-4 hours a night) and I'm all good. Nearly all friends/family that I have NEED regular sleep patterns + at least 8 hours of sleep but i can very much manage without those. Very useful when having disruption service and stuff.

Please post yours in the comments if you're comfortable with that!

  • 13
    And yes, this is the fourth night in a row of about 4 hours of sleep, tired as fuck but I'll be fine after a coffee/10 am 😊
  • 12
    I am a really good mediator. But other than that my superpower would still have to be found.
  • 34
    Im always tired.. does.. that count as a super power?
  • 5
    @gitreflog I meant more like things you can't really learn for but awesome!

    @ThatPerlDeb Yeah I often have this one as well 😅
  • 5
    Being able to stay up 2 days on 4 hours of sleep (not healthy), Very aware of my surroundings when out even when it looks like I'm not (healthy, kept me alive a few times)
  • 15
    Broken things tend to fix themselves around me for no discernable reason.
  • 7
    @irene I'll high-five you to that, my friend. My stubbornness and physical inability to take bullshit from anyone seriously seems to be genetic, no joke. It's a trait that's very noticeable in both my mother, my sister, myself, as well as two of my sister's kids now.

    We all also seem to have this bloodhound-level sense of smell for some reason and want to smell everything. It's a bit of a running joke at this point; the Sniff family. Is that a superpower?

    I'm also able to time travel. I sit down to write some code, I look up about half an hour later and four hours have passed...
  • 0
    @Jilano Seems like we have more than one thing in common then! :P And you're very welcome for dinner, depending on how easily you can get to Sweden.
  • 3
    I thought you meant superpowers like:
    -The windows federation (like russia because nobody likes it, but still it has the biggest influence)
    -The united distros of linux (yes like usa and arch is like alaska)
    -The republic of OSX (because why not)
  • 4
    Able to be somewhere for long time, possibly in presence of others, without saying or expecting to hear a single word, and feeling completely comfortable and friendly, so that sometimes people even don't notice me there.

    Also a fast and light traveller of long distances on foot.
  • 1
    @Jilano http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/...

    I'm a warden of Doriath. 😎
  • 0
    @Jilano Oh god, what have I done...

    @irene Possibly, either way it's my mom's fault. :P
  • 2
    I can channel the power of this ability passed down generation to generation to smash villains with a great force. Its called running em over with a car.
  • 1
    Hmm, I guess I'm good at sleeping patterns too. No matter when I go to bed, I can always wake up at the same time without feeling tired.
  • 7
    All the companies I leave suffer a lot: go bankrupt, get closed, last spare HDD in PROD DB dies, a huge sinkhole opens right underneath the office, etc. All this happens within 4 months after I leave the company.

    Even going to a job interview causes at least an immediate PROD server outage in my current workplace.

    I think that is my superpower :)
  • 1
    @AporueSutol I need you around my code then
  • 0
    @Jilano It worked with one hour and it works with ten hours. It's funny.
  • 3
    I can process alot of tasks and put them into memory. Like someone says that I should do this, then that, then something else, [3 more different tasks].
    I am then splitting these tasks into its microtasks and plan the most efficient way to solve it in my head very quickly.

    I guess that has a side effect though.
    I am forgetting more and more things from the past.
    I can barely remember what I did 3 days ago.
  • 8
    I have an above average level of patience. If I was a senior dev with ( even mildly talented ) junior devs I had to mentor I reckon they’d excel pretty fast
  • 2
    My superpower is no matter how tired I am, when I start playing video games I'm woke again. Kinda unhealthy, because this works even after 36 hours
  • 0
    I identify as a wav file
  • 1
    Plus, I am a non-stopper.

    If I am obsessed with something, be it due to me being excited about a topic of which I can not easily let go of because it is so interesting to learn about or be it just because of a deadline, I just can not stop. Hours pass by as if they are just a few minutes.

    But I would not say that this is a superpower since all devs have this.

    Side note: I had a phase when I saw paranormal things without using drugs, if that can be put as a superpower.
  • 2
    No matter what it's about, procrastination is always something I excel at.
  • 2
    I can remember things disjointedly and then refer back to them weeks later "oh yeah bug 553214, the resolution is abcd1234.. I saw it once a week ago while looking for something else"

    My threads runtime is an 8 bit integer so I can sometimes overflow and forget that I even started a thread

    Sometimes threads do not self resume
  • 2
    I don't know whether it counts or not I can use any part of my body as mouse pad.
  • 0
    1) I can look busy when I'm not.
    2) I can do Chuck Norris debugging.
    3) I can even combine 1) and 2).
  • 1
    I would say my perseverance

    Definitely not healthy, but it has saved multiple deadlines...

    Too bad I get almost nothing in return 🤔
  • 3
    I'm really passive, I've been through some shit during my early childhood so I've developed a way to just not care whether what happens is good, bad, whatever it's all really the same to me. ( Many positives and nany negatives)
  • 1
    *survival mode on*
    I can work the whole day from morning to evening without eating, drinking and going to toilet.
    *survival mode off*

    but, around 9-10 pm the physical limits kick in and I have to eat and drink so fucking much that my stomach hurts afterwards.
    happens occasionally on very stressy days or when I get lost in my thinking, programming, debugging...
    definitely not healthy.
  • 4
    superpowers? here it probably doesnt count:

    computer or any tech has a 50% break down probability modifier as long as i am close to it. its a 10 meter aura so when i get called to fix something the problem usually starts resolving when i get close to the door. other than that, i am good at linking information together and find stuff on google.

    apart from that, i have the curse of being lucky which angers the girlfriend quite a lot
  • 3
    @AporueSutol things tend to break around me for no reason, we could bring equality into the universe.
  • 4
    @marci010101 @BurnoutDV this is like devdate for you guys
  • 0
    @marci010101 Just like matter and anti-matter, you'll cancel each other off with an annihilation(it's not as bad as it sounds)
  • 3
    @Jilano i heard there are 4 levels of sys admin

    1st: has to actually type gibberish to solve problem

    2nd: lays hands on keyboard and problems resolves before anything can be done

    3rd: mere showing up solves the problem

    4th: getting called about a problems makes it disappear

    i dont know how i got to the 3rd level, i have no real training but it was always that way since i got my first pc. be it mp3 players, phones, in my vicinity that stuff tends to live way over its warranty (except that one external HDD i dropped)
  • 1
    @BurnoutDV I'm on level 3, too, but in the other direction.
  • 2
    @Jilano I fear the xp is logarithmic, so reaching level 4 might take another year, but if I run in some severe server meltdowns around Christmas I might get enough xp to level up earlier
  • 3
    I am told that I have a really good eye for details.
  • 5
    Finally someone accepts me for sexually identifying as a Linux kernel!! <3
    My superpower is that I can deal with nontechnical people and their "datacenter==basement", "turminel user==hacker" etc bullshit for about 2 hours and manage to not jam my fists into their damn ignorant airheads. Does that count? (:
  • 2
    Superpower? I am not a whiner and not afraid to get my hands dirty. I also remember stupid stuff that occasionally turns out to be useful.
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