
Is it normal my boss want me to pay for the coffee I drink at work? 🤔
He asks me €1 for 2 coffee capsules for his coffee machine, while each costs only 22 cents… fucking bastard.
And it doesn't even taste good…

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    @MrWouter I have fear he will try to convince me they're his, or start to ask me money for the electricity and water used by his fucking stupid coffee machine.
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    @CoffeeNcode it would cost him only €9 to let me drink 2 coffees per day, not so much to make me pay, instead he asks me €22. 🙂
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    bring all your own shit to spite him. the fact that he wants to profit off his employees of obnoxious.
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    Just go to the nearest coffee shop, the walking will be an added benefit
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    If you're gonna pay the café price for your daily coffee, might as well go to one, let your salary fill pockets other than your boss's. Not giving free coffee sounds normal to me (although stingy, really), I'm fine for print the operating cost of the coffee machines at my own work. But a company trying to profit off of its own employees should rot
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    @Stebner55, you wouldn't believe the high tech flasks @CoffeeNcode has
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    @Stebner55 it's what the brand "Thermos" is derived from!
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    @JS96 will he also charge you for the electric used by your computer?
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    Normal if the price is the real one, no profit.

    This is bullshit, but your own machine and kill hill business
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    Free coffee is not something a company has to provide, so: Yes he can ask you that price.

    But he's a cunt to ask you for €1. 0.50 would be more fair.
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    We pay 50 cents for a coffee at work so I guess it's normal. People who don't want to pay sometims hve their own coffee machines in their offices.
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    @hasu I mean it would be ok in my case if the real price was that, but it isn’t, 56% of it is profit...
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    @JS96 :/ yeah I can understand. In our case it's one of those machines that grinds the coffee when you need it and therefore comes with maintenance costs. So it's okay. But we do have a few people who say coffee should be free so...
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    I am a programmer. It would ruin me if I had to pay for coffee! 😨

    Be it as it may, overcharging employees is robbery, nothing else! 😠
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    Go buy coffee somewhere else. also be wary of your boss, he seems to be quite the knobhead.
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    Yes, I've used a thermos. I just never heard of it called a thermostatic flask before. They work based on a vacuum insulation so I don't know why it's called thermostatic.
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    @Stebner55 maybe because it's trying to keep the temperature static? 🤔
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    Ah I was retarded and thinking static meaning electric for some reason. Makes sense now lol
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    @hasu calling it thermostatic sounds like it's actively kept at a temperature with a thermostat, though. It does not sound like it's just insulated. Not a big deal but worth the joke.
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    @electrineer true. Although my dad has one which you can plug in to the car connector thingy and it keeps it warm via electricity. So it would make sense then x)
  • 3
    Wait, you people say, it's ok to be charged for the coffee in the office? WTF? What next? Fridge-as-a-service to keep the meal in? Microwave powered by coins? Seriously?
    Do they provide you with working pc, software, actual desk and chair? More or less, ergonomic chair? Mouse and keyboard? Am I weird and spoiled to take those for free as granted, as perks of working in the office?
    Otherwise, I'd work 100% remotely and charge employer additional fees for using my own equipment :/
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    @mt3o No, it is not okay.
    ... Then people discussed overcharging.
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    Interesting, seems like it’s normal in some countries. Everywhere I have worked in the UK, it has been free. Never even considered companies would try and charge you for it
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