
So... after a vision test on a whim, it turned out I needed glasses.

Turns out sitting in front of a screen all day did actually mess my eyes up 😂

Luckily I only need them for using the computer for extended periods of time, so managed to run them through my company as an expense.

  • 12
    Same. I literally picked up my glasses today. I look and feel weird but I can see 🤓
  • 0
    @irene £217 for 2 pairs and the test, so not crazy bad, but still not a light amount.
  • 6
    Add glasses to your avatar before I report you to the cyber police 👮
  • 2
    Welcome to the family
  • 7
    There's a thing with glasses. They make you c# [I am very sorry... I couldn't resist :) ]

    also they keep spoiling your vision. You'll need stronger and stronger ones over time. It's a one-way road downhill.

    My right eye is a lil fucked up but I'm not planning to get glasses.
  • 2
    They look good on you! It takes a while to adjust but once you do it just... becomes a part of you kind of lol.
  • 0
    @netikras my right eye is a problem too.

    Years of staring at displays has caused an astigmatism. Ah well.

    And yeah, I gather that it’ll be a progressively deteriorating thing, but the glasses should help slow it down, and prevent all the nasty stuff like headaches and crazy deterioration for the time being.
  • 7
    @netikras gonna use this joke for the next few days, tyvm 😂😎
  • 1
    * This episode of MythBusters brought to you by @irene *
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    @irene I know there is a specific kind of problem with the eyes that the glasses make it worse. But I remember the doctor saying it was just one type or something like that.
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    @irene they DO spoil :) if the lens occuli is less flexible [bcz you are always staring at the same distance and the lens is not changing its thickness], your vision becomes impaired. You notice that it's harder and harder to change focus of your sight up to a point it becomes a problem.
    Then the glases come. They compensate your lense's inability to flex with an artificial lens. Now you can see as sharp things as you used to before. But the problem is that you are no longer struggling. You're no longer atrying to accomodate your eye's lens to focus changes as artificial one does that for you. You get the lazy eye [there is a term]. And your eye gets more and more rigid. Today it's .7, two years later it'll be .5 and so on and one day you realize it's too late to do anything about it. But you could. You could still save your eyes with by exercising them every day. That's a fact.

    Now astigmatism is smth different. It's more a chemical change of the eye lens rather than mechanical. Depending on the root cause it could be slowed down by strict diets. It's not always the case tho. Glasses here are prolly inevidable.
  • 0
    Your eyes get tired if you watch close whole day. You need to relax them by looking far.
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    @irene it's defeat. It's giving up. It's like saying 'que sera sera - I'm not willing to invest my time to my health. I just want to feel comfortable'.
  • 0
    You look so similar to your Avatar
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