  • 10
    It doesnt fucking matter
  • 0
    @tekashi how? personally I feel python to be soberer.
  • 6
    And i personally fucking hate python, but the emphasis is on personally
  • 0
    @tekashi okay! personal choices.
  • 6
    Depends what for.

    I _personaly_ don't fancy Py as well. I'm a Java dev. But when it comes to low-level, there's nothing Java can offer (yeah yea, there is JNI. But at this point it's no longer Java, is it).

    For massive HI-level projects I choose Java, that's a no-brainer. Safer, faster, more stable and easier to work with, classic constructs with classic block definitions, classic OOP

    For util-like small, lower-level projects I go either with POSIX Shell or Py. Easier to tweak as I go, OS API access, performance is not important. Nasty syntax, but that's the price I have to pay.

    I'm not here to argue. You asked - I answered.
  • 2
    Both. Language wars are a cancer in our industry. Use the right tool for the job rather than choosing one language for everything. I personally want to learn more Python so I can use it for Lambdas and stuff like that because the JVM takes time to start up. Java has always been my comfy language so I tend to use it for microservices.
  • 1
    Are you talking about your time or CPU time?
  • 1
  • 1
    @netikras every time someone refers to Python syntax as nasty, well, it warms my heart to the extreme... cuz i despise Python syntax, I keep trying to like it but I just can't. I know it veeeeery well and use it plenty, but i just can't make myself like it.
  • 0
    In your tags you list AI and machine learning.

    If that is your goal, go for python.

    Almost every time I read about some interesting project in those areas the examples, tools and implementations are using python.

    Very rarely Java or any other of the more traditional languages.

    As for performance, your mostly doing config and presentation in your chosen language, all the heavy lifting will be in the framework for AI or machine learning and something you probably never will dig into.
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