iOS Programming:




Android Programming:

val jobProcessorHandler = FuckingBuilder.something().inject().whatTheFuck()
val cameraDecoderFuck = Camera(CodePackFuck.shit, jobProcessorHandler)


  • 15
    I've found that I consistently like Apple's approach to everything far better than google's.
  • 26
    Not to forget it will get deprecated next year.
  • 4
    @theKarlisK Writable storage is even restricted on Android 10+, so apps can't write to directories not explicitly allowed by the user.
    Essentially makes file managers a bit difficult.
  • 6
    I guess I don't really trust the first one. I'm assuming it's synchronous and waiting for a reply before continue, so blocking. Makes me think about cancellation states and indefinite hangs, the need for timeout logic, etc.

    For better or worse I async all the things.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • 4
    @dontbeevil I objectively prefer their differences. Apple gives control to the users and developers; google does not.
  • 5
    @Root first one I've ever heard to say that Apple gives control to their users and developers. Don't get me wrong, I dig IOS(both as in the OS and the hardware that comes with it) as well as IOS development way more than Android. It pains me to hate Android development as much, and I love my oneplus 7t very much. But dear me.....developing anything for Android is such a fucking pain in the ass to the point that I can get people hating it.
  • 2
    @Root Actually, android gives more control on both aspects. It's just that Apple's approach is always simpler.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 @aggelalex I suppose I should have been a bit clearer: control over data, not system behavior.
  • 2
    +1 for Swift.

    Now try and write that in Objective-C using NSSomeFuckery
  • 1
    @unsignedint I learned to like objective-c but terseness is definitely not it's forte.
  • 1
    Cool! Hating Google doesn't stop it from being Google and doing its thing the way it does very well though 😁
  • 2
    @dontbeevil You're not wrong.

    Apple is the lesser of the two evils, and their approaches do actually give you more control over data. And no, I still don't trust them.
  • 2
    Until now I thought that I was one of few devs that hated Android development because everything is too complicated and apparently specifically designed to be most idiotic and frustrating.
    Nice to see I am not alone 😄
  • 2
    @Lensflare at my graduate program we currently have as an assignment developing a mobile application using Android or IOS, since my JVM fu is stronger than my Swift fu and I didn't want to open the macbook I just went Android. It is still relatively difficult compared to IOS development, but I am glad that the IDe has come a long way, still a pain in the ass to use the Android API due to the overcomplicated nature of it, but nicer at least
  • 0
    Yeah except when they make you do:
    [ something [ open [ camera [ actuallyOpenIt: true butReally: true youSure: TRUE annoyingSetting: false daamnIAlmostGotya: true ] ] ]
  • 1
    Pay 100$ per years for shortcut XX
  • 0
    @jak645 Hahaha. Nice. :D

    Time is a more valuable resource than money, in most cases.
  • 1
    @OneOfSimpleMind that is so 1980s 😂
  • 1
    @dUcKtYpEd language does play a part. But even then one could say that before, doing ios with obj c was as complex if not more. It's the API for Android that makes it so complex and fucky, even with Kotlin it is still quite fucky, also, having to jump through all manners of hoops because there is no standardized Android device and every vendor does their own shit makes one have to take multiple things into consideration. To me Java is one of the simplest languagea, but Android managed to make shit as complex as possible.
  • 1
    @Root I agree with the comment Apple approach is better. but Apple doesn't give user much control. Google does. Maybe that's why Android is such a mess right now with non stock os devices.

    edit: control over data. YES. i withdraw this statement.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil flexibility like: here you have atoms. Build your camera in the most flexible way!
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