
I wonder what the average age is of a ranter on devRant.

I just found out that some of the ranters I have seen around quite often are only around 18 (like I am).

Also I wonder what age people begin professionally programming since I have been working at a company since I was 16 and still work there. (I have programmed since I was around 8 so I already had a lot of experience.)

  • 5
    I really think you're ahead of the curve in that sense. I first began programming when I was 19, and that didn't seem unusually late at the time.
  • 1
    You need to ask the inner circle for that stuff since they have been on devrant for pretty long so they have a pretty good guess on that. @theabbie is your contact for that. Devrant does not have any age verification system which would have made the answer a matter of privacy.

    As for the second house I started coding when I was 13
  • 9
    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 Oh bloody hell.
  • 1
    29 now, have been programming professionally since the start of 2015 (with some breaks). So yeah, you'd be more of an exclusion.
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    @Root What wrong did I do ? Do you mean the typo or is the inner circle still forbidden
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 Don't Count me in the inner circle, I am a newbie here.
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    @csharpfone agreed. Those young programmers aren't normal, but more of an exception
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    I'm 29 and been professionally programming for around 3 years so far even though I've studied programming since 16
  • 2
    I was working as an engineer at 16 as well, but only pseudo-legally because of the law at that time in the country where I lived. I was also in university at the time, documented in another post.

    That was many decades ago.
  • 3
    Mid twenties, started programming around the age of 14-15
  • 1
    Well, all I can say is that you're right in there being an increase in younger people here, myself included.
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    I started at 10 but only got serious about it at 13. I'm 19 now and never had a job. The only "professional" experience I have so far is an spa I made for a client a while ago.
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    @rooter He is a 9th grade guy and is Indian, that would have felt like a personal connection to him. I swear, I am straight.
  • 0
    @linuxxx How did you find "the knack" for cybersecurity?
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    @theabbie always having a paranoid (in comparison to society) mindset, wanting to see what happens if you do something with a system it's not made for, always thinking about ways to bypass protections... etc :)
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    @linuxxx Nice, as far as I know, this field requires extensive knowledge about everything, so, not for everyone.
  • 0
    @rooter Well there was a inner circle but it was abolished. If I recall correctly the first action for abolishing the inner circle was by @F1973 . Also I do like @theabbie but there are some devranters who I like far more but they are inactive as they are pretty busy or for some other reasons maybe like Condor so I stick with him mostly. Also this is an alt account
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    I started teaching myself programming at 11 (in 7th grade) on my TI83. Started with Basic, and moved onto z80 assembly (also for the TI83) not quite a year later because tibasic was too slow and limiting.

    I didn’t officially take a class until 9th grade (14?). I’ve been doing programming/etc. ever since.
  • 1
    I started with hobby & school stuff at maybe 14 (rough guess). However I've played with computers all my life. I did some C in university and then started to work as a dev 5 years ago (with 21).
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  • 2
    Started when I was 7, got much more serious over the past 2 years (school kinda got in the way for a bit). Now I'm (just turned) 18 and working as an IT guy (windows sucks, I need to rant about it sometime), and in the meantime working on various projects.
  • 1
    Started at 19 technically, but didn't really get interest to learn actively until 22 at my first Dev job (aqquired by luck).

    4 years later I now lead teams as a technical lead / senior architect or w/e you want to call it.

    Wish o had started at 10 :( 'senior dev' is just business talk for ' not a total shit show'. Senior Dev is the starting line.
  • 2
    @craig939393 not really when you start but what life gives u... I wrote my first program at 6 but now 30... job is ok but just made Lead or more like senior senior dev.

    I'm not working for Google though it doing anything near CS, I know algo, ds cuz I had to do some interviews and read a book on it a few years back. Didn't help me.

    But I'm always the guy on my team going "I told you so..."

    But for me I guess it's always been code first, bike wherever I want when I feel like it...

    Job is just the cake. Pays the bills, not too boring, and not stressing me out is good enough...
  • 3
    Started at 16 with vb6, started professionally at 22, there was a few job and unemployment years in between those two, and now, 22 feels like a another life time ago.
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    i joined devRant at 14, been on here for 3 years now. i know wittmaxi and algorythm are also my age or around it. pretty fun being a dev and not even having to pay taxes.
  • 0
    I'm 20. I wrote my first line of code when I was 17 but I got really serious about a year ago and I'm currently looking for my first job
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    Yeah we have a wide spectrum of backgrounds here... I’m in my early thirties, started programming 3 or so ago, professional dev since 2 yrs (if you count being employed as one as being a pro)
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    On my planet, I am ~96. Here, I am ~23.
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    I'm now 17 and started when I was 11.
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    28, started when I was 7 or 8, around the time I started reading and writing.
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    Mid 20's now and started at 15 although professionally for ~3 years.
  • 2
    47 now.
    Started when I was 7, on a VIC20.
    Sold my first app, a POS system based on a couple of Amiga 500, when I was 15.
    First regular job during first year at University, made me never complete Uni...
  • 0
    I started at 12, now 17
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