
#include <rant>

So, in my class I have this one dude who also code, "Awesome" I thought when I first saw that he codes, he codes in c# and claims to know JavaScript.

So I hung out with him a bit on recess/break time, and I eventually found out that he is a d*ckhead

First of all, he claims that he can code ANYTHING, I mean triple A games, the machine that can find pi in 10 seconds. And I know that this isn't true, because he "can't bother" with showing me it.. whatever I think.

I also mentioned that he is a d*ck, why am i saying that? Because if you make an error he would just go, "there is supposed to be *insert random bullshit here* instead of *a typo that I made*, retard. You are honestly fucking stupid" Listen, I love when people point errors out, it really helps. But when you say it like that, it honestly makes me sad. One day, I was messing around with classes in python and he went "hey idiot! That's wrong! There is supposed to be a *random word* instead of *working code*". The funny thing is, HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT PYTHON IS. So I comment out the working code and puts in his c# bs there instead. And he just says, "it isn't working because there's a private class instead of a public class. Ehmm, excuse me? This is python, ok.

Oh and he told me I was a retard because I can't develop triple a games using pure JavaScript.

Any tips on dealing with the guy?

  • 28
    Stop hanging out with him. He's not worth the time and if you stop feeding the troll and he'll leave.
  • 0
    @psudo that's the problem, he follows me everywhere and I'm to scared to tell him to fuck off because he is 1 year older and about double my size
  • 5
    Stop thinking about all of this and all of this magically will disappear, "you are the result of your thoughts" read about law of attraction, watch "the secret" documentary on you tube, you will thank me later.
  • 11
    According to my research, people who learn c# as a first language are usually dicks and cant really program
  • 4
    @Duckman In my experience, an approach as suggested by @psudo will work.

    You don't have to be offensive to get rid of him. People respond to 3 kind of stimulus: praise, criticism, and indifference.

    Indifference would take some time, but eventually he would look for another outlet to feed his ego. It's also the least physically dangerous if you fear some kind of retaliation.
  • 0
    Ahahaha best Triple A developer ever. Seriously in the game Dev community you can find a lot of dick Triple A level high horse. He is probably using unity btw
  • 8
    @RazorSh4rk fuck you too mate :p
  • 8
    Use the old "piss on his laptop" technique. He'll think you are fucking crazy and stay away from you. Works every time๐Ÿ˜ฌ.
  • 1
    I heard there is a new framework that allows you to create Triple A games in JS. It's called tripleagamesrkool.js ๐Ÿ˜…
  • 0
    @NickCh he is haha
  • 6
    I like @helloworld's approach except I would lean towards taking a giant steamy shit right on his desk/laptop.

    For serious though, twice your size aint shit. If it comes to physical blows, rock that jewel bag a couple times then catch him in the right kidney with a left hook. He'll drop like a first semester on Calculus III student at mid terms.

    As for the indifference approach, this can work really well if you play up the indifference with just barely inaudible growling and mumbling to yourself followed by "what? Oh... Um, nothing." and a great big fart when you can muster it up.
  • 5
    Heavy metal playlist (Fleshgod Apocalypse's King will do the trick) + a Chainsaw
    Oh and maybe get an apron or something for the blood.
  • 2
    @RazorSh4rk sorry but I have to disagree there, my first was C#... :)

    Sorry about your plight by the way, but I'm afraid I don't have any advice. I was the only dev in school sadly. Computer Science for GCSE's was based on Scratch....
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD @RhysOC in my defense, the research consists of 3 people so far
  • 4
    @RazorSh4rk hehe well those three are not developers if they are dicks. Being a dick isn't productive or helpful, so developers avoid it (in my experience anyway)
  • 3
    Show him this thread and let him know what an ass-hat we think he is
  • 1
    @AlexOlival lol
  • 2
    He sounds insufferable. And lonely.

    I think that the easiest way to get rid of him is to find someone else you don't like, get them all jazzed up about learning some shit this guy knows and introduce them.

    Beware, though, as a pair, they can outnumber you. Go find another buddy or two to saddle up next to for a bit so that you don't look like a target. Who knows, maybe you'll meet some good friends that way. โ˜บ๏ธ
  • 1
    @starless really great idea! Thank you :)
  • 2
    @Duckman no problem, dude. I hope it works! I hate dealing with egomaniacs like your 'friend' there. I hope he grows out of it, but given some adults I've met, prospects look murky. At least it makes them easier to steer. ๐Ÿ˜…
  • 4
    Firmly hold a 1m steel beam in your hands and fuck him up real bad
  • 2
    @oscarascal this guy is in school remember. School doesn't work quite the same as the world of adults xD
  • 0
    Show him 2 girls one cup.
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