I just found out devRant was written in php. But I thought on devRant everybody hates php..?

  • 51
    I love PHP!!
  • 18
    Every hater of PHP is a pussy. I love PHP.
  • 9
    @dfox Yay I'm not the only one!
  • 5
    @dfox yeeeeesss!
  • 3
    PHP is badass
  • 4
    I don't hate php, I use it daily. but because of that I see the problems it causes over some other standardized backend languages
  • 11
    These are the first 5 comments I've seen in the entire devrant about PHP being good
  • 1
    My hate of PHP is that it doesn't mesh well with how I problem solve. Sure I could code PHP in a similar way to how my head solves things but I'd be doing a bodge job.

    For me it's the wrong tool, like using right handed scissors since I'm left handed.
  • 4
    I don't hate PHP. I just dislike the fact that there are so many people out there having no in depth software engineering knowledge making an enormous mass in PHP code. They could have made the same mass in other languages (probably they do) but it is so easy to do things in an improper, unstructured way in PHP.

    I am hardcore .NET and recently needed to develop some custom modules for Prestashop which is written in PHP. My god, I was hoping the Prestashop team did a good job but they fucked-up some things really good. This has nothing to do with PHP but with a lack of skills or insight or whatever.

    PHP is just as good as any other language but you must be skilled to do things the right, structured way.
  • 0
    I think most people just learn php first and then they are afraid to try anything new. That was me when I was fresh out of college. Pretty much every other language offers better, more matured web frameworks.
  • 1
    The only thing I don't like about PHP is the weird syntactic choices the language creators made. For example, it uses the arrow operator instead of the dot for property/method access. Associative arrays use arrows instead of colons too... And whose idea was it to use back slashes for package navigation?

    My first real project was done in PHP and while the experience wasn't too bad, I do remember being annoyed by the syntax quite a bit.

    If in an upcoming version they revert to a more traditional syntactic style, I'd give it a try again.
  • 1
    The first rant I see with good comments on PHP...
  • 0
    Dev rant hates php, except in this thread.
  • 3
    I love to work with php but sometimes I wish people who write php code would care a bit more about their products.
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