“Passwords are like underwear. You shouldn’t leave them out where people can see them. You should change them regularly. And you shouldn’t loan them out to strangers.”

  • 4
    I sell my old undies always to strangers. They give me more than they were new!
  • 11
    Or use an underwear manager
  • 0
    @petergriffin Really?! Can I sell them online?
  • 0
    @rutee07 Yes you can. Just don't forget to wash it and put it inside a new box :)
  • 4
    Password is really an old technology. It must be changed.
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  • 10
    Changing passwords has long been debunked as nonsense practice.

    Also, the most important hint is missing: don't reuse passwords. Use a different one everywhere. If one platform gets hacked and has botched up password storage, you don't want attackers to be able to capture all your other accounts.
  • 7
    @Fast-Nop This. Password reuse is the single biggest problem with passwords: they only really protect the user when the user is not mentally lazy. Which basically doesn’t happen.

    Also, changing a password is only ever beneficial if a) the password sucks (see above), or b) in the event of a breech. The company should handle resetting everyone’s passwords / disabling all accounts in this event, so there still isn’t anything you the user need to do proactively. Unless of course you’ve used the same password elsewhere like a dummy.

    Really, changing passwords regularly only means that they’re more difficult for you to remember, so you’re more likely to write them down and keep them somewhere unsafe.
  • 5
    @Root I use 20 character random passwords via the browser, a different one for each account. That solves most of the problems for me.

    Except machine logons, and if I have to change the password regularly because e.g. my company relies on that outdated pseudo security nonsense, I circumvent that by just attaching a counter to the actual password.
  • 3
    It's best when you don't have either.
  • 4
    Posting to the rant section and tagging joke and meme is like wearing bra as pants
  • 3
    My pants sit proudly on the washing line for all the neighbours to see.
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  • 1
    @electrineer I thought it is equivalent to wearing undies as face masks
  • 0
    Incorrect category? No ++!
    If it isn’t quality material? --!
  • 2
    Well the change passwords regularly should not be used by some peole. Use a really really stong one and only change it on suspicion of compromise. As it is essentially churning through potential future passwords. Atleast for those who are woke enough to detect a compromise. For all the others changing it is still the best option.
  • 2
    You guys are using passwords still?
  • 1
    16 digit randoms for everything hasn't failed me yet.
  • 1

    What if I told you there are projects that pull up with massive complexity 'passwords' that authenticate one towards systems?
  • 1
    @scor weird underwear but ok
  • 2
    Just type any long bullshit in password field while signing up, if you get logged out, just reset it.
  • 0
    @scor do u mean breached passwords? Password spraying?
  • 2
    Nope just password-less
    Which in its turn uses heavy cryptography and quite some more tools to secure the 'credentials' exchange
  • 0
    ...and should contain a special character, digit and upper and lowercase character...
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