MariaDB or MySQL for Relational Database?

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    I'd go with Maria, but that's just because it's OSS. If I didn't have to go down that route though I'd say PostgreSQL
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    Hey man , if relational databases are so great why have people been trying to replace them for so long!?!?!?

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    I thought MariaDB was a rebranding of MySQL.
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    @rantsauce Yea... I was considering to switch to Maria... But want to know wether it is better...
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    @N00bPancakes yea.... I prefer nosql like MongoDB... But client still using Relational Database like MySql... So....Yea...
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    Relational databases are much superior to noSQL
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    Just use file storage and vNand SSD and call it a day
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    In all seriousness it depends on use case.

    I like relational, but I use others for some cases where things are moving faster / just different.
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    @theabbie it depending on usage tho....
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    @petergriffin with JSON or Yaml or XML?
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    @johnmelodyme Anything in NoSQL can be efficiently implemented in Relational database, the reverse is not true though.
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    @N00bPancakes I agree.... But I was thinking moving from MySql to MariaDB, will this be good ?
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    @theabbie sure.... But for the case like IOT , Relational Database is too complex while in NoSql just easily implemented tho. (Based on my experience)
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    @johnmelodyme If NoSQL suits your case, go for it, it's also cheaper, I guess.
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    @theabbie I recommend to my client but they wanted relational. So I am thinking anything other than MySql as it sucks from time to time .... (It just crash sometimes in OpenSuse, idk why)
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    @johnmelodyme PostgreSQL?
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    @theabbie I personally I didn't use this before... Sounds like a good suggestion to try...
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    green apple or red apple for breakfast
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    Physical ledger.
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    @johnmelodyme Nothing. I was trying to be funny.
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    @rantsauce If I remember correctly MariaDB is a fork of MySQL
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    Mariadb is an activity developed fork of MySQL.

    MariaDB is "almost" a drop in replacement for MySQL, there is some subtle differences depending on what you are doing and which version you use, but for the most part, you can mysql_dump from 1 to the other.

    The real question is, do you need an RDS or does the client think they need an RDS?
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    @AtuM atlassian sucks.

    And they don't support anything.

    MariaDB eg uses atlassian on MariaDB. XD

    It works well. You just need to invest a bit of time and configuration.

    I'd stay away from Oracle / MySQL.

    It's just an intransparent hell.
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    PostgreSQL FTW
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