34 days without any sugar (except for fruits). Am i a hero already, or should i go for 2-3 months?

  • 4
    Do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and run 10km each day and you will get there :)
  • 2
    Well done! Just don't fall off the wagon because you fall hard. Speaking from experience.
  • 3
    Now no salt...

    Bye bye mcdonalds
  • 2
    I also did it for 2 3 months then I Bought a kitkat. Didn't taste the same.

    Now what I shouldn't have done is eating candy until it tasted sweet and how I remembered before.
  • 1
    I was way too obsessed with chocolate and sweets so i decided to do this challenge for 2 months. At least i want to make sure that sweet stuff is a desert not a substitution for real food :) otherwise it controlls me way too much and messes up my appetite (not to forget that it's overall pretty unhealthy)
  • 2
    @CozyPlanes your body sort of needs salt. Note the McDoodles overdose but some should be in the food. Also if not told otherwise by doc, use Iodine salt. Otherwise you'll have thyroid problems and trust me you don't want those.
  • 4
    @hasu well, you need sugar because it helps you to relieve stress problems by coding all night making you exhausted and...


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    Great work bro...try to avoid other fatty foods like oil fried stuff and fast food.
  • 2
    You are a hero already :-) I know it's hard but why stop now or after 2-3 months? Just stay without sugar, you will feel rly better after a while :-)
  • 1
    @yarwest are you Saitama?
  • 1
    I stopped drinking soda about a month ago. It's been extremely hard.
  • 1
    If you're fat you will see results in no time. Unless you're compensating with other shit. @deusprogrammer
  • 1
    Not fat, that's just a personal challenge/way to improve life which came to me out of nowhere ;) its kinda hard but i will try to keep it this way and maybe add something to it later on.
  • 2
    @mirnapls I actually stopped eating sweets too. Can't stop eating carbs though.
  • 0
    @deusprogrammer yes :) glad someone caught the reference.

    In case someone misunderstood my comment, I made it since OP asked if he was a hero. My reply contains the workout plan of the protagonist from the 'One punch man' anime which turned him into a super being that defeats basically everything in one punch.

    Good job on the dieting OP, wish I would be able to keep something like that up.
  • 0
    What's your secret? I should get off sugar.. and other stuff...
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