One more reason to hate Windows - Changing default browser will be made difficult in Windows 11. Thank you Microsoft


  • 15
    EU lawsuit in 3, 2, 1....
  • 1
    There is Blink and Firefox.

    Anything I've missed?
  • 8
    Microsoft forces users to update windows
    Microsoft forces users to make online registration for their accounts to login into PC
    Microsoft forces access to user servers.
    Microsoft forces users choose their browser
    Microsoft forces having not disablable antivirus
    So... what else?
    Thankfully I was saved by linux.
    Awe to Linus Torvald, the messiah of the digital era.
  • 3
    Not surprised tbh
  • 3
    Easy solution: don't install Windows in the first place.
  • 2
    Well, Firefox works out of the box. What do you even need besides that?
  • 4
    Oh yeah, forgot.
    Windows forces users to submit all kind of telemetric data.
  • 4
    Windows Operating system logo should change to a giant middle finger, then all will be make more sense.
  • 1
    Give it a few weeks and there will be a util script to do it for you.
  • 0
    Why use any other browser anyways? Besides Brave giving me free crypto.
  • 1
    @darkwind yeah!! Screw them, I'm not gonna help them fix it for me by sending telemetry on the thing that's crashing! They should know it telepathically!
  • 2
    @jkommeren They should fucking test their piece of crap software. What MS did instead was cutting down their QA so that the users are now the beta testers - in particular the Home edition users for the Enterprise edition users.
  • 1
    A-At least IE is finally dead.
  • 0
    Who will ever use Windows 10?
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