Tell us your "Programming Languages Story"


Java -> HTMLοΌ†CSS -> PHP -> Python -> JavaScript

Yeah, I know, I'm confused πŸ˜‚.

  • 4
    Vb6, vb.net, java, PHP, html+css+JS, Angular, laravel, God knows what the future brings
  • 3
    Dude mine is so similar, minus python. And add C#
  • 5
    HTML -> CSS -> PHP -> JavaScript -> Java -> C -> Bash -> C++ -> ML + Prolog -> Python -> Latex -> Scala -> awk
    It gets naughty after C++ πŸ˜‚
  • 3
    Back in college: Cobol->pascal->foxpro->visual basic
  • 1
    C -> C++ -> HTML -> JAVA -> C# -> PHP -> HASKELL (little bit) -> PYTHON
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    shell -> perl -> php/html/css -> js -> python -> swift -> java
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    Php then Ruby then Java and JS (node) these days
  • 2
    Java -> C/C++ -> HTML & CSS -> JavaScript -> WordPress (it was for a stupid project) -> C# (.net core) & Lisp -> Android & React-Native

    This is not including DB syntaxes as in T-SQL -> MySql -> SqlLite

    In my internship in a few days it's going to be also learning MongoDB, Angular, Node.js
  • 1
    Python -> JavaScript -> PHP -> Java -> NASM -> C
  • 1
    HTML > PHP > Bash > VB > C# > C > python > C++ > javascript > Nodejs
    These are in order of learning the languages, I have coded in C for the past few years non-stop and every now and then used others shown.
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  • 1
    PHP, HTML, JS & CSS -> Java (for Android) -> C# -> Python -> C & C++ -> Go
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    HTML/CSS/Js -> Python -> C# -> Js (Node mostly) -> Ruby -> Elixir
  • 2
    I've seen this alot. I started with Java at 11, thought fuck that -> went to the web... Made beautiful things.
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    @joshgallagher24 It's the same for me.
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    HTML & CSS are not programming languages. :c
  • 1
    Mine is
    C, Java, PHP, Python, Javascript and Typescript
  • 2
    @jstaiyou you are right, they are markup languages but It's a general list of what you have studied.
  • 4
    @jstaiyou when I was 13 I counted them as a language, I could write cryptic words and make the screen show stuff. Isn't that enough to count it as a language?
  • 2
    Lua to Python to Javascript to C#
  • 18
    Python on Microsoft Virtual Academy -> C# at the Uni -> ProcessingJS, SQL and others as online short courses on CodeAcademy -> HTML at college -> CSS at college.

    Not much, I guess... I started a few years back.
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    @matanl it counts as a language... As a mark up language.
    There's no way to use variables, control structures, conditions, loops, etc...
    Not programming language at all
  • 2
  • 1
    @jstaiyou I know you're right btw, the poster counted them so everyone else did :)
  • 2
    HTML & CSS -> PHP -> Python -> Java -> C++ -> JavaScript πŸ€’
  • 3
    C -> HTML/CSS -> C++ -> C# -> Java -> other web technologies (less, Typescript, etc.)

    I try my best to keep in touch with all of these. So i never ended up moving. The language just turns out to be a means. I'd choose one depending on what I'm trying to do.
  • 2
    Pascal » html » c# » css » html5 » python » php » asp.net » bash » vimscript » js » brainfuck » lua » java » android

    I think that's about it, I know, makes no sense xD
  • 3
    VB4 -> VB6 -> QBASIC -> TI86 -> VB .NET -> ASP -> C# -> Java -> PHP -> JS -> ...

    It's never gonna end but I guess I'm mostly C#, Java, and some web these days.
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    Just say broken full stack.. That's it πŸ˜‚
  • 3
    @matanl I know, and the poster also agrees it's not a programming language.
    Just want it to be clear. That misconception is very common among muggles, but this is devRant, not muggleRant
  • 1
    Java -> PHP -> HTML -> CSS -> C -> Android -> Objective-C -> Javascript -> Python -> R
  • 2
    Lua -> moonscript -> Ruby -> Python -> html -> css -> node js -> browser JavaScript (I know, weird) -> elm -> haskell

    That's just kinda the order in which I dabbled in things though. I'm mostly a node js guy.
  • 2
    HTML -> VBScript -> Batch -> Visual Basic.NET -> C# -> CSS (yes, a bit late) -> ASP -> SQL -> ASP.NET -> Bash -> PHP -> JavaScript -> Brainfuck

    Then university:
    Java -> Python -> Latex -> C -> C++

    Coming up: assembly -> R -> F#
  • 2
    Wow, I feel like a noob here.
  • 3
    @MushiKun everyone has to start somewhere :) and even though I for example have tried quite a few different languages, it doesn't mean that I am good at all of them
  • 4
    @MushiKun it is better to fully understand one language than to know a bit of them all. Once you get good at one learning a new syntax is easy because you start to think the right way.
  • 1
    same, but w/o python
  • 1
    But I'm studying Computer Art degree so haven't been maintaining my programming skills that good lately.
  • 1
    JavaScript / jQuery -> Python / Django -> Angularjs
  • 1
    Javascript->Pascal->C++->uhh Java,PHP,SQL
    I think thats it
  • 1
    Processing -> Arduino -> C -> Lisp&PHP&SQL -> C++&Java&JS
    That's the chronological order, not a logical one
  • 2
    MC68k ASM => C => C++ => PHP => JS

    It's like a map of where the easy money was :-D
  • 1
    HTML -> VB.NET -> C -> PHP -> PYTHON -> SCSS -> Brainfuck πŸŽ…
  • 2
    HTML > CSS > Python > C# > PhP
    I know it makes no sense.
  • 1
    QBASIC, HTML, VB6, MySQL, C, C++, Assembly, Java, C#, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python
  • 2
    HTML-> 1/2 JavaScript -> C# -> 1/56 PHP -> JavaScript -> CSS -> C# -> WEB
  • 1
    Mine is hell experimental
    Html->CSS->JS->C->C++->Python->asm->Ruby->Clojure->Elixir->Go->coffeescript->Scala and going Rust.
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    @theothergod and i missed java in between C++ and Python.
    I do every language time and then but prefer Ruby for my hobby projects.
  • 1
    Java » HTML & CSS » PHP » Lua » C++ » JS » Node
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  • 1
    C => C++ => Java => HTML/CSS/PHP => and now finally JavaScript, and soon Ruby 😁
  • 3
    I am the most confused here:
    VB.NET -> Java -> C# -> CSS -> HTML -> PHP -> JS -> Python
  • 1
    @Scrumplex how's it possible to learn CSS b4 HTML?
  • 3
    @matanl editing design of templates.
  • 1
    html > vb.net > Java > C++ > Brainfuck > C# > CSS

    I'm​not sure, but I think I missed something.
  • 1
    HTML/CSS -> PHP -> Python
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