QA: Rapidly toggling between light and dark mode causes screen to flash unpleasantly

Dev: …

  • 14
    That's a feature, not a bug.
  • 22
    I'd write him to try it quicker. Epilepsy will do the rest.
  • 12
    @ostream QA: Delay experienced during mode toggle, make toggle more performant
  • 12
    PR: Remove light mode
  • 2
    @boombodies make an AI that predicts the time that the user will toggle the setting and activate the fade in effect a short amount of time before the user interaction.
    => no delay, no unpleasant flashing
  • 12
    Add a rate limit. "You've done this action too many times. Please slow down"
  • 14
    @ScriptCoded I put a confirmation modal that requires you to input a valid credit card instead
  • 3
  • 6
    Dev: Fixed: Screen now flashes more pleasantly.
  • 3
    Make it so if they switch over 4 times in a row that is changes to a sparkling ball and plays "Never Gonna Give You Up".
  • 1
    @prodigy214: WTF! Would play a Flash Gordon sound bite instead before i would consider giving in to such spoiledness.
  • 2
    @jfgilmore Or have the "Stop it! Get some help!" vocal.
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded This or maybe a throttling mechanism on that.
  • 4
    I love y’all suggestion. Made me laugh way too hard!
    I’m thinking of adding a modal: you’ve exhausted your free theme changes. By pro, wait 24hrs or watch this ad for more changes now!

    Maybe even with a marquee or a flashing background *devil smiley face*
  • 1
    Well what do you expect, switching from light side to dark side happens in a flash and is always deeply unpleasant for our hero.

    Also what is QA in this case? (Acceptance or Assurance)
  • 0
    @hjk101 Quality Assurance
  • 0
    @boombodies nice! just assure them it's nota problem and push it on to acceptance.

    Make sure to either don't waste more words than "no problem", closing the ticked with "fixed" is acceptable.
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