I can't afford Apple products. Therefore, I hate Apple. 😭

  • 14
    I could easily afford going full Apple without even looking at my bank account, and I still hate them.

    Btw., one of the reasons why I could afford them so easily is that I generally don't waste money on crap with bad value proposition - such as Apple products.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop This should be rule of life tbh:

    Btw., one of the reasons why I could afford them so easily is that I generally don't waste money on crap with bad value proposition
  • 4
    Why do you always post so attention seeking rants?
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    @jonas-w just to play around it seems. I'm not even sure this counts as a troll.
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    i can afford apple products.

    i hate apple because their products are garbage. and their corporate philosophy is garbage. and most of their fanbase is garbage (yes, fanbase. not users.)
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    @jonas-w his had one good post recently :/
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    (to be fair)
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    The only people who can afford apple products are those who don't but apple products.
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    I can't afford Apple products AND I hate Apple.
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    @zlice here's the obligatory "well, actually..."

    macos IS unix. while, technically, linux isn't - just unix-alike.
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    @tosensei and it isn't posix compliant. But it still is great
  • 2
    I can afford crapple product, but I hate them anyway
  • 0
    @jonas-w bruh...
    it very much is posix compliant.
    And if you know the history of it, you know why. Unix literally has been selected as the base of the standard.
    But yeah, technically Linux is not posix conpliant on paper, but actually is. It just doesn't have the certificate.

    Regardless of that. I own a macbook and an iphone and find them weird, and therefore have never touched them again after the project at my workplace was done.
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