Another award goes to people who sets only one alarm.

  • 15
    it only works at first. After a month or so you will wake up hours late and won't even remember how you solved it.

    Been there. Done that
  • 1
    i used to have huge problems waking up.

    i wish i could give advice - i can't.
    one day i just started to decide very consciously in the evening that when the FIRST alarm rings, i just wake up.

    i still set 3, spaced 5 minutes apart, and it sometimes still hurts, but i do wake up.
  • 1
    i can wake up only with one alarm,because you know when you turn on the alarm you know that is important so why you go sleep again if that important?
  • 2
    i swear, math problems in alarm only made me better at math. the only thing that worked for me was getting up as soon as i heard the alarm
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  • 4
    @netikras yeah its really wierd. I had a simple problem that you need to sort some random numbers. After sometime sleeping me figured out a way to sort them even without reading numbers. I wanted to understand how was I doing it and tried to do same when I'm awake. Turns out sleeping me was just brute forcing and solving the problem even without looking at screen (alarm app had really big buttons).
  • 1
    Waking up from the first alarm wouldn't work for me since you need some level of consciousness to decide that you will actually wake up. However, I do usually wake up without an alarm about half an hour after the last one if I missed them.
  • 0
    Compared to you folks, I might as well not be sleeping at all. I get up with the very first and only alarm. Which usually goes off right about when I need to get up to pee anyways. After that’s done, I’m too awake to sleep again. It’s not fun being old.
  • 0
    Putting the alarm on the other side of the room or house might work. You need to get out of bed to turn it off.
    You are extra awake if your leg is still sleeping and you keel over.
  • 0
    Auto-icebucket alarm would be more effective!
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    To wake up fresh follow the sleeping cycle and set alaram

    Sleeping cycle is 1 hour 30 min so put wake alarm close to this intervel.

    If you need to wake at 8 am you have to sleep 3 30 am for (4.5 hours of sleep ) 2 am for 6 hour sleep
    Like wise 12 30 for 7.5 hours of sleep
  • 0
    @mansoorkn yeah, if you fail to fall asleep at 2, you need to wait until 3:30 to try again
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