
Who codes while laying in bed? 🤨 Just saw a random coding video and the guy was just laying in bed with facecam.
I'm tempted to get a laptop just to try it and achieve my final form.

  • 11
    Trying it from time to time, it's insanely uncomfortable. On the sofa on the other hand, it's quite nice.

    But still, performance dips big time with just one screen.
  • 2
    @nitwhiz i do code a lot on the couch. It's honestly quite nice. However, couldn't imagine doing it in bed though.
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    I don't have a table. 😞 So I use chair for my laptop and lowlife sofa-bed for my ass. I really wish a normal workflow for myself with normal gear to spare my spine.
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    I know a few people. But my favorite position is with my ergonomic keyboard and with the screen elevated to eye level on a nice chair with armrests
  • 2
    @vintprox I like the old japanese way sitting on the ground using a low table for keyboard and monitor.

    Btw, a table at its core is just an elevated flat surface. If you really can't get a purpose-made one, you can always improvise using cardboard boxes, cinder blocks, planks, old pallets or other materials that are otherwise only used for furniture by "minimalist lifestyle" hipsters...
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    @Oktokolo I'd actually use some high surface to plant my device, so to maintain good curvature at all times. Don't have anything to improvise though.
  • 6
    Best place is the bathroom.

    You're sitting on a throne!
    Never have to run for that quick pre-meeting piss.
    Awkward camera sharing for those people who INSIST you turn it on.
    If you make a mess just hop in the shower.
    You can smoke and just turn on the vent.

    The only thing that comes close is taking a shower while you push changes to prod.
  • 5
    The bed is optimal for coding new humans.
  • 3
    @Demolishun The subway works very well too.
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    @Oktokolo didn't I say that already?
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    @Oktokolo Medical coding, or actually making new humans?
  • 3
    @sariel Only if the subway is your bathroom.
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    @Demolishun Not sure about medical coding.
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    @Oktokolo Push someone is front of a train. Medical coding means dying.
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    @Oktokolo isn't it everybody's?
  • 2
    @sariel 8 billion people all living in 8 billion separate realities. All with trillions (or more) of odd interpretations.
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    It's one thing to code on the bed. Recording a video of doing that is on a whole another level.
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    You know if people wouldn't steal records of.my ideas or.just make improvements or even just wanted to listen to change things for the better because they're bored with being robots I'd be more open to this like I was if there was no abuse and some of my rather ordinary needs were cared for.

    But see
    If they even wanted that part skipped they'd have to go let the world around me live otherwise but not like fucking robots
  • 0
    See they abused this good will gesture
    Why ?
    I made a pretty thing
    They twisted it around to their filthy pedophile shit
    Why don't these freaks ever get sick of being twisted machines?
  • 0
    The cabin and trails for depressed or down and out younger developers and other individuals of merit in particular


    This whole idea of dating or marrying a woman with no sex who wants to be able to be a disgusting monster without fear doesn't work with us

    At best were supposed to watch them and it wasn't supposed to last forever it was a solution to rid the world of a really big problem my piece of shit boomer father and people like him created
  • 0
    I mean how hard is it not to be trash ?

    A decent person is kind to them, they sit there and think fucked up mean things

    I wasn't always an older man being exposed to this
    I was young and happy and pretty and kind if mildly damaged due to exposure to so many of them and later I was mature and objective driven

    Now and recently I'm just sick of this dumb shit

    Be alive
    And stop acting like parodies of human beings
  • 0
    Also mother fuckers
    It's not our place to curb ordinary heterosexual or even adult homosexual behaviors directed at other adults because fucking people.are.made.uncomfortable with even beautiful men and women trying to explore relationships or date them not knowing wtf is wrong with them

    And nonthe fucking solution isn't to make everyone a goddamn pedophile fag

    Be happy to still be drawing breath

    Ever think if they weren't fucking monsters who exploit every kindness it would be easier to feel sorry ?

    I mean beautiful men treat them with warmth and kindness and all they think about is how they can steal or hurt or use or commit some, usually a specific one, high level felony

    Be fucking human
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    And by the way I'm calling off one job to hold onto another that pays twice as much tomorrow

    Fuck off
  • 0
    Don't like it ? Fix this problem
    And let time move on
    You don't want me here ? Send me somewhere else
  • 0
    And another thing
    Get rid of that fucking stupid prototype printer !
    Get rid of it !
    Then if you want to recoup some fucking value after a few small reminders you can !
    Also all of this would be moot if you fucking people would listen to me about some rather simple things !

    I'd seriously have no problem performing certain needed functions otherwise beneath me from time to time and we would have the goddamn labor force to do it if you critters hadn't ruined them all !!!
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    how do you think I'm getting through college
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    @darksideofyay are you also making tutorial videos while laying on bed? 🤔
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    @electrineer for computer "science".
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    When my mental health was at my bottom I often listened from useless meetings from the bed but I’d never code from there: it’s awful for the back and the struggle in typing while laying would destroy my ability to focus
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