You know. I think people trashing chatgpt detracts from the fact that if it is actually functioning as stated it's still a goddamm miracle of science!

I mean are we all really that jaded ?

You can type a plain English request in and a COMPUTER PROGRAM sends you a Novel response that may reflect the bias of its dataset and the bias of people trying to keep "secrets" but otherwise it sends a response formulated from extensive data.

That's a breakthrough

Quick acting like an alpha that was frozen years ago apparently is the RTM!

  • 5
    Totally agree. It does always more than I expect. It's a miracle indeed.

    Any luck with the whore above you?
  • 2
    @retoor bad bad Dutch person
  • 11
    We're trashing it because people that don't understand the tech praise it to high heaven. It's just a natural action -> reaction response.

    If people had the appropriate reaction of "oh waw, pretty cool tech with some limitation" then no one would trash it, but people instead says "OMG, YOU WILL ALL LOSE YOUR JOBS, AI WILL REPLACE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING AND I WAW I CAN NOW MAKE WEBSITE AND ART FOR FREE WITHOUT PROGRAMMERS OR ARTISTS"... to which, the only reasonable response is to trash the tech to give arguments to the poor artists and programmers that felt worried about their job security.

    and honestly, if some literal nft-bro is going to tell me that he is now a web developer, because chat GPT exists, I'm not going to ignore that. Can't just let the idiots be idiots or else there will be only idiots. Ignoring these people would be contra-productive.
  • 2
    @Hazarth well yeah you kind have to understand how ti develop ti get anything good out of it and that needs editing
  • 4
    @AvatarOfKaine I'm just saying, we're not jaded to trash chatGPT. We're just over compensating for the general ignorance
  • 6
    @Hazarth agree except for the part about arguing with idiots. You can‘t do that. If you try, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  • 5
    I think the dev world would be a better place if people actually RTFM in the first place.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I guess it's more for the benefit of others in the public forum, than the idiots themselves :D
  • 3
    @Lensflare I think a clever idiot may have said that to win arguments. Check mate! Does this elevate them to non-idiot?
  • 5
    @Lensflare Now I want to get a baton and label it with the word "Experience", and carry that around.
  • 1
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    @Demolishun I begin to think most people these days can have their behavior explained via incest
  • 0
    @Demolishun they're all retarded
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  • 1
    I don't resent the tech, it's amazing and I already use it all the time - what I resent is that the grifters who last week posed as Web3/Metaverse consultants are now directly undermining professionals of all stripes with this, because they want to pay less for our services.

    "i MaDe ThIs In TeN mInUtEs WiTh ChAt GpT a FrEeLaNcEr QuOtEd Me A wEeK" - ok then, go and deploy that "serverless function" it just wrote you to a live env. What's that, you don't trust yourself to do it? You don't know what a live env even is?

    No, it's not the tech, it's the parasitic industry that sprung up around it, as happens with all tech.
  • 0
  • 4
    I don't trash ChatGPT per se....

    It's just that it's in most cases depicted wrong.

    ChatGPT is in a nutshell a large parrot who answers with what it learned.

    Right / Wrong isn't relevant, it's an input / output system.

    It's definitely a huge project. It definitely is astonishing what one can achieve by just throwing hardware and lots of "input feeders" at a problem. Not meant negatively.

    But it is neither a messias nor the end of the world.

    It's not SkyNet. It doesn't bear any guarantee for correctness. It doesn't "understand" things, at least not how it is represented by media / some ... cargo cultists.

    Be real about it. It's a huge project and definitely great, but it's really just that.

    If you think that's trashing, nope. Not really.

    After all, google is just that, too. Even before ChatGPT existed - just on a far more basic level.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM yes now imagine if yiu turned off censorship and closely reviewed the data it was fed. Personally I have trouble imagining the arch
  • 1
    @MM83 so are they doing that again ?
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  • 2
    @AvatarOfKaine and that is exactly why you constitutionally limit the powers of the government. Even then, it has become who has the most money because of lobbying. There is a reckoning coming, and it will not be pretty.
  • 0
    @Demolishun you know I got it to make a Joke about men but not Microsoft
    And I have to practically reason with a machine to create terrible hypothetical backgrounds ?
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM just yesterday a friend of mine sent me a link to a video w/h title "AI companies will soon shake the dev market" ( not exact words ) and I used the same words as you : "it's just a well trained parrot". He got the point pretty quickly :]
  • 0
    @aaronswart well ofc, but we can be a bit less repetitive in our answers, and the bot replies the same to repeated question if not rnd added, but even with it is not like he will pass soon the Turing test ;)
  • 3
    as they say, ppl will always bitch about younger people's technology.
  • 0
    @kiki but yeah, just don't get too dependant on any tech and u will be all right...or all left...all up sounds the best ... whatever that means anyway, or so they say... I've heard
  • 5
    ChatGPT isn't a breakthrough. The most significant improvement ChatGPT offers over other language models is simply the scale at which it operates thanks to all the money they got and the slave labour that went into preparing more training data. The technology behind GPT models has been around for a while, it just didn't make sense for anyone to scale it to the size of ChatGPT until it became commercially viable to do so. If anything, the breakthrough is in cheaper / more powerful hardware and figuring out how to make enough money out of it (which they still haven't really figured out unless you count the investments they got from Microsoft as "making money").
  • 0
    Yeah, I go around all day long… just gazing with admiration at this…this thing! I interact with it. I really do, and-it-keeps-the-current-context. It has this functionality to stay on subject which to me is just magic. And on top of this is the whole text to image thing which… I mean, is it a larger breakthrough? Soon, we (some?) can produce images of persons and events that did not exist. That did not occur. In an environment (the planet Earth) where information is consumed at lightning speed this must be extremely dangerous.

    Soon, video. And then we are really in big trouble. Then visual confirmation will be null and void. A call also since voice has already happened. From now on, it will only improve until perfected.

    I can’t stop thinking about this. It is truly a giant leap for mankind. And to me, it seems to me like Apple missed it.

    But, this is too large a breakthrough to be in the hands of companies. It has to be regulated by international law. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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