
You guys probably use some kind of program to talk and chat with friends and colleagues. So, tell me - which of the numerous programs available do you use?

  • 11
    you already answered it for me
  • 3
    @karwler This is what I wanted to hear :D
    But seriously - discord is just the best. Even though it is still in development and far away from perfect ...
  • 2
    Yep I use discord as well
  • 8
    Slack at work.
  • 1
    I love discord too
  • 2
    I've never used discord. What's so great about it?
  • 2
    @hateios it's free and stable, with a lot of useful settings
  • 5
    @hateios I'd say Discord is providing all the advantages of Skype, TeamSpeak and so on. It is for free, has an incredible lightweight permission system, provides private and group chats and a lot more...


    Just check it out :)
  • 6
    We use slack. We also used Discord among devs but in the end Slack was more useful
  • 1
    @Enewia I can imagine Slack being the tool to use when working in a team professionally :)

    A huge advantage of Discord is, that it is still in development ... They currently work on screen share and such interesting things :)
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    @No-one Yeah exactly - I'm really excited to see who Discord develops in the next months / years :)
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    @Levy well it's mostly because we ended up writing most of the time instead of calling (you know constant calls for clients and stuff kinda make it impossible to call your colleagues)
  • 1
    @Enewia features in discord missing in slack:
    Code highlighting
    Advanced permission system
    No limited file upload
    No noticeable history limit
    Dark theme
    Free voice conversations
    Better markup support
  • 4
    I use discord for a lot, slack at work although I prefer discord.

    Accounts on discord are better in my opinion, no need to login for each server seperately (which is annoying when you are in 10 slack servers and doing a clean install)

    Might wanna add that Im in the discord hypesquad :D
  • 6
    @Levy : Discord for gaming. I can't say I understand why people are so amazed about it, only that it has free servers.
    Facebook Messenger for some people, though I plan to delete the Facebook account at some point.
    Skype for everyone else. For once, @Microsoft made an app that is good on Windows 10.
  • 4
    Discord is for kids
  • 0
  • 2
    @Levy @Codex404 well in the end the only stuff missing from slack for us is the history and file limit
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    @Enewia I miss code highlighting and voice (for free) as well.
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    @Codex404 Yes, Discord has a great code highlighting :)
  • 3
    Good old human interactions. 2nd place is TeamSpeak. Discord got a huge 👎 for its privacy policy.
  • 2
    Their logo looks like underpants.
    That is all.
  • 1
    @devios1 cant unsee it now...
  • 0
  • 1
    We want to switch to Discord but we use Slack at the moment.
  • 1
    I use slack and discord.
  • 0
    Finally someone understands
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    @Xerox discords privacy policy is way better than that of google and how many of their services do you use?
  • 1
    Discord, mostly for gaming stuff but i already have a bot on my server for extra utilities. Yeah it doesnt have screen sharing yet. But you can directly print screen and ctrl v to discord. No need to save the file as an image so saves few clicks on computer. That eases stuff.
  • 1
    ... hangouts. And we have a proprietary chat at work that we use. used discord and slack for school lol
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    Slack, well because it's my first job and everyone on the team was already using slack before I joined.
  • 0
    @bubble well, many subreddits and other communities have their discord servers, once in you're good to go
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    Slack at work
  • 1
    Signal, Telegram, Skype.
  • 1
    Hah this is stupid... my app dispofone for android works better than this 😏😏😓
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    We just... Talk... You know like old days you stand up, walk a couple of steps to the person and if he's not busy - talk to him/her.
    Anyway walking in the office instead of talking over a chat is healthier for you...
  • 0
    Discord for the win <3
  • 1
    Internal IRC server
  • 0
    @nocgod it is, but my colleagues are working somewhere else (at other companies and projects) than I do, chat conversations are healthier than none.
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    Is there a devrant discord server?
  • 1
    @String if not I will make one
  • 0
    Keybase.io for non voice,
    For voice :
    mumble/teamspeak on lan,
    sipcmd over ssh on internet's
  • 2
    @hateios Please don't slack at work. 😂😂😂
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    I thought discord is for gamers only. I use slack for work. Sometimes telegram works too
  • 0
    @Xenon discord is way more than for gamers now. There are many communities like live discussion channels during sports events, groups for music genres, cats, dogs, animal lovers, developers, etc.
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    @Xenon it might be focussed on gamers, but that doesnt mean its a great piece of software for non gamers.
  • 1
    Slack at work.
    Discord with friends... Their voice channel was the logic response instead of using Skype when gaming (never again Skype, never again)
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    I'm thinking about an unofficial devRant-Discord server - what do you guys think?

    I can set it up if you guys want me to :)
  • 0
    @Levy sure great idea
  • 0
    Guess I will set one up, give me a sec.
  • 2
    For the people that want to join the Unofficial Discord server: https://discord.gg/bavE2ca
    Im still setting things up so things might change. If there is someone else with Discord Server management experience just say so. So we can set things up together
  • 0
    @Codex404 Have Fresh Invite link?
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