
You know what´s really retarded?

How HP decided to put the delete key next to the power button on their Elitebooks (and make the power button part of the top keyboard row)

  • 6
    Supposedly that saves some cost.
  • 6
    Can't stop laughing at this 😂😂
  • 15
    That is one way to delete unsaved work...
  • 4
    Also, their laptop keyboards are the worst.. had an elitebook for 1 year, and the O and P keys just randomly detached during typing. Impossible to put them back on. Btw this is company laptop, I never buy HP.

    I was told the full keyboard needs to be replaced when just 1 key breaks..
  • 3
    @webketje were you constantly complaining about your OP enemies?
  • 4
    @electrineer no, about his Product Owner
  • 0
    What's nice though, is that the EliteBook is one of the (quite a few, tbh) laptops that will give you a three-screen desktop with a USB-C to HDMI lead. Makes a slightly alarming, intended, noise when you connect up, but it's plug and play.
  • 0
    Post intended for those who have used the single HDMI port for screen #2, ofc.
  • 3
    Don't get a probook... it is even worse. (I mean the one with the numpad. You get the whole home, insert and all after the delete)

    The power button is somewhere between all the other buttons... In the same color and size.
  • 6
    Laptops: selling external keyboards since forever.
  • 6
    @Demolishun maybe an external power button would be a great product too no ?
  • 5
  • 5
    I bet someone at HP said "The power-button is part of they keyboards on Macs and people seem to be fine with it so can't be that bad"
  • 1
    @mansur85 It´s a company laptop I was given. I don't know why they went with HP, I only know it's a popular choice for business

    @jiraTicket now imagine that design on a mobile keyboard haha
  • 2
    Ugh. I hate this stupid shit. Put the power button somewhere else FFS
  • 0
    @jiraTicket There should be other options no ? Different color maybe... But I am not a product designer 🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    This image brings back memories

    Tres Comas
  • 2
    @Grumm A new color would've helped a bit, but many type without looking.

    My theory is that HP looked at a clasic laptop keyboard like a Thinkpad https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gcjEWuk1nig/...

    Then they said "Normally a power button is placed around the top right of the keyboard, can we replace any of those top right keys?"

    Wisely they kept the DELETE button since that's almost always the top right key on a laptop (except on Macs which just have backspace) so they didn't mess with that one.

    But then they probably said "what about that INSERT key? Most never use it"

    Without considering that people hit it on might nudge INSERT when hitting DELETE, but they don't notice it for a while
  • 1
    Map your power button to do nothing and u will be good to go
  • 0
    @electrineer webketje is probably a UK Drill rapper, where an enemy is also known as an “opp”
  • 1
    Hp designers sharing ideas on where the power button should be
  • 0
    I’d get a new laptop
  • 0
    I'm a boomer, so I can't see the problem with it.
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